Guardian Force Icons

These are the pics of the different Guardian Forces from the game menu. Might be nice for Windows icons. I wish there were FMV sequences for them like in FF9, but there don't seem to be any. If anyone knows where to get them, please let me know!

  • alexander.jpg The castle-shaped GF that attacks with Holy. If you look closely enough, you'll spot him again in FF9. :)
  • bahamut.jpg His Mega Flare could do some serious damage if your party members aren't properly junctioned. Ouch... 4000 HP damage...
  • boko.jpg The little cutie you get after catching your first Chocobo. Don't let the low HP fool you though, he's got one of the more powerful attacks in the game.
  • brothers.jpg From the Tomb of the Unknown King. Why is it that the older brother tends to be the smaller of the two? See the Toguro Brothers from YYH.
  • cactuar.jpg Mmmm... Cactaurs... now that's good eating! Really.
  • carbuncle.jpg Only one word. KAWAII!
  • cerberus.jpg Otherwise known as Spot. Triple status is really useful against bosses.
  • diablos.jpg The inhabitant of Cid's magic lamp who casts dimension magic. The Mug ability's a real steal.
  • doomtrain.jpg The summon sequence for this GF brings to mid black and white movies of damsels in distress tied to railroad tracks and cheesy organ music. Heh.
  • eden.jpg There's much to be said about summon sequences. Like "too friggin long"! You could pop off for a coffee, come back, and it still wouldn't be over. On the flipside, this is the only GF you can boost to 250.
  • ifrit.jpg One of the stalwarts of the FF series. I think this fire elemental has been in almost all the FFs to date.
  • leviathan.jpg This guy pulls off a visually stunning cascade of water that drowns your enemies. Wow.
  • minimog.jpg Moogle Dance! Somebody at Square had a sense of humour when designing the summon sequence. John Travolta eat your heart out! :)
  • pandemona.jpg Ya big bag of wind! Honestly, this guy should go do ads for Hoover...
  • quezacotl.jpg I'm of the opinion that Quezacotl is female. Then again I can't really tell, it being a giant winged lizard thing of some sort.
  • shiva.jpg Easily one of my favourite GFs. Pretty lady with a pretty powerful attack. Oooh...
  • siren.jpg Terribly useful GF for pesky spell casting enemies. Pretty too. what more could you ask?
  • tonberry.jpg Getting this summon is tough, when the Tonberry King keeps dropping junk on you. :( But you could almost forgive him when he apologises in the end. Awww... Doink! :)

I know there are a few more GFs I haven't put up here, because I can't get them on the menu. Any ideas how?

Boko, take me back!Back to the gallery

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Updated on 7th December 2000.

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