Laguna Loire

The man with the machine gun kicks some serious @$$! Originally a Galbadian Trooper, Laguna has travelled all over the world, writing for Timber Maniacs. He is aided by his good friends, Kiros and Ward, who follow him faithfully throughout his travels. Women have walked in and out of his life, but despite this, he's kept a childlike innocence through it all. Some, like Squall prefer to call him a moron. But he's a lovable moron! *sigh* Kids these days, no respect for their elders...

Here are the pics:

Ending sequence:

  • lagunaback.jpg Looking out over the fields of Winhill.
  • laguna.jpg He seems to have aged well. An older Laguna against a clear blue sky.
  • laguna2.jpg Back to his salad days. He's looking at something in his hand.
  • laguna3.jpg Startled by somebody. Who? I'm not telling.
  • laguna4.jpg With this ring I thee wed... okay?
  • laguna5.jpg Close up of his face. He's still good looking, even at 40-plus. Not many men out there like that. :)

Introduction sequence:

  • laguna6.jpg Black and white pic of him driving a car.

Boko, take me back!Back to the gallery

This site is maintained by Namikata Kaoru.
Updated on 23rd September 2000.

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