Selphie Tilmitt

At first I thought her to be a bit of a ditz when she came on the scene. Well, she kind of is, really, singing on trains and stuff. But don't for a minute believe that she's as innocent as all that. Behind the schoolgirl demeanour hides a gleefully violent maniac who likes blowing up things. Uh.. really. Generally Selphie's a nice person who holds a deep love for all the people she knows, and is willing to help out in times of need. Having a ultimate weapon with a 255% hit rate helps too.

Here are the pics:

Introduction sequence:

  • selphie.jpg Black and white pic of her and an electric guitar. Selphie the rock star! You go, girl!

Mission to Dollet:

  • selphie2.jpg Atop a rock, looking for Squad B (I think).
  • selphie3.jpg Getting up after taking a tumble. ^_^'
  • selphie4.jpg In front of the transport vessel just as Squall arrives, running for his life.

Boko, take me back!Back to the gallery

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Updated on 23rd September 2000.

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