Zell Dincht

Our mach kicking, heel dropping maverick. Booyaka! Zell is hot headed, brash and doesn't give a lot of thought to his actions, and this causes trouble at one point in the story, but he's a lovable character nevertheless. Somehow he doesn't seem to mind Squall's attitude (problem), and is glad to be in a team with him. Beats me why though. And Seifer really calls him "chicken yarou" in the Japanese version of the game. I think it has something to do with the hair, no?

Here are the pics:

Introduction sequence:

  • zell.jpg Black and white pic of him throwing a punch. I still can't see anyone's face. :(

At Balamb Garden:

  • zell2.jpg Demonstrating his moves in the Balamb Garden lobby. I'm sure that'll earn him a lowering of SeeD rank if the Garden Faculty catch him...
  • zell3.jpg Alley oop! Handstand!
  • zell4.jpg Close up of his face with that tattoo that looks like Bahamut.

Mission to Dollet:

  • zell5.jpg "Come on Squall! Get into the transport!"

Installation Disc pictures:

  • setupzell.jpg A watercolour by Yoshitaka Amano. A bigger version of the pic you clicked on to get here.

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Updated on 23rd September 2000.

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