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My Dolls Page My Sprite Page, including Spritemaker Links to other sites About the webmistress My deviantART account My Forum My webblog

Welcome to my site! Once I get the hang of this HTML stuff, I should have up a good bit more stuff such as writings of mine and sprites, yeah! Hope you have a good time here, whatever you plan to do, and if you have any questions or spot any spelling mistakes or the like, please let me know and I'll answer your questions as best I can and fix the mistakes.

Thanks a bunch for coming! Have fun! :)

  • (6/26/2005)Site update: My boyfriend, Andrew, aka Noval, is here now, so I may not update this site much. Don't worry, I'll still be having fun elsewhere :D
  • (6/21/2005)Site update: Not really much... just wanted to say it's my birthday :-D
  • (6/18/2005)Site update: I've added some more poses to my Mini bases, and some more Fantasy RPG Dolls.
  • (6/6/2005)Site update: The Sprite page is finished! :D And there are new bases in the Dolls page! :D
  • (6/5/2005)Site update: The Sprite page is kind of bland, I need to make buttons so it matches the rest and then the spritemaker and sprite tutorial shall be updated also.


If you would like to ask me a question, or leave a link to your site so I can check it out and/or add you to my links page, feel free to leave a message ^_^

But please do not use this shoutbox as a chatroom, nor post offensive comments or sites either. Offensive/hateful messages and SPAM will be deleted. Thank you.

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