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NAMI - Western Tidewater

National Alliance for the Mentally Ill

of Western Tidewater, Virginia

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Who we are








We Are:
Families Helping Families

The National Alliance for the Mentally Ill of Western Tidewater is a grassroots, support, education, and advocacy organization made up of persons with mental illnesses, their families, and friends. We are dedicated to improving the quality of life for those who suffer from brain disorders.

What Is Mental Illness?

Serious and persistent mental illnesses are biochemically-based brain dissorders that can affect a person's ability to think, feel and relate to other peiple and his or her surroundings. For adults, serious mental illnesses include schizophrenia, major depression, bipolar disorder, and panic disorder. Children can be affected by the same brain disorders as adults, as well as by such childhood brain disorders as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, autism, pervasive developmental disorder, and Tourette's syndrome.

Mental illness is more common than cancer, diabetes, heart disease or arthritis; yet remains the most misunderstood of all illnesses.

The good news is that mental illnesses are treatable, because of great advances in research that have been made in medications and treatments over the last decade. The challenge is to make these new discoveries available to all who need them.

Why An Organization For Families?

Severe mental illness touches one in every five families. And, families are most often the primary caretakers of individuals with mental illness. Families have a vested interest in the quality and availability of care for their loved ones.

The stigma of mental illness can cause family members to feel alone and isolated. Families need help, education and support to strengthen their capacity to assist the ill member in managing a chronic disorder.

What We Do:

Provide support. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Families who have "been there" share their unique insights and solutions to common problems, thereby strengthening one another's coping skills.

Educate ourselves, professionals, and the public with up-to-date information about mental illness through MESA Family Workshops, newletters, conferences, speakers, and videos.

Advocate for greater funding for research on serious mental illnesses; and for increased community-based care, such as better access to medication, housisng, and supported employment.

NAMI - Western Tidewater
Franklin, Virginia
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