Noor’s Place

Welcome to Noor’s Place

Hello there! I would like to welcome you to my page which is only for selected friends only.  If you need to know about me then you can read on.  This page is actually dedicated to the places that I have traveled to.


There were a few places that I have been to...the first country that I went to was Singapore, followed by France, England, Switzerland, Germany and Indonesia.  I am planning another few trips to Yemen and New Zealand some time in May and June that is if my financial status allows it. 


For the time being, I am staying put here in Malaysia, busy with work and more work.  Nothing much been going on lately apart from work.  Anyway if you have anything you want to ask about me, feel free to get in touch with me but spams please. I hate that or I might be blocking you or hack your system.


Alternatively, you can also reach me at




My links to my travel pages photos:

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