
You have given my life a new meaning
You have shown me how to love
You�re my new beginning
You�re my dove

You are my teddy bear
You are the whole world to me
You I hold dear
You will always be near

You cherish my days
You bring a smile to my lips
You make me roll in the hay
You just make me slip

You know how much I love thee
You love me just the same
You I would die for
You make me insane

You I would never forget
You will always be in my heart
You are what I get
You are my prize

You I thank God for
You are my boy
You are my number one
You are all that I live for�

Penned By:
Cristina Fabregas
San German, Puerto Rico

Author's Comments
This is a poem for my boyfriend whom
I love with all my heart.

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Designs By Namon

(c) Love Poetry Cafe' 2000-2020 All rights reserved

Teddy Bear Art by:
Graphics by AC Gallery Productions

Dove Animation Unknown


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