God's Little Angel

God asked my sister Joyce...
...to help Him with His plan,
He needed another Angel,
...He knew she'd understand!
So, God blessed her and Jackie...
...an Angel on the way,
She nurtured it so tenderly,
...and thanked Him every day!
They marveled at their blessings...
...as prayers of thanks were said!
But, then the Great Creator,
...took baby home with Him,
At first their hearts were broken,
...it lay heavily on them!
Soon peace swept through their beings...
...as love reclaimed their hearts,
They realized it was His plan,
...right from the very start!
Now there's a brand new Angel...
...with budding little wings,
I'm sure his heart rejoices when,
...he hears his Mama sing!
He sits beside the Saviour...
...he sees his Mom and Dad,
Rejoices at their happiness,
...sorrows when they're sad!
But I believe each night at rest...
...as shadows fall in place,
He reaches down to say good-night,
...and touch his Mama's face!
And should there be a tear-drop...
...that seems to want to stay,
With tiny Angel fingers...he,
...just wipes the tears away!
But...tomorrow holds a promise...
...when life time here shall end,
She'll enter Heaven...
and be rejoined...
...with her Angel once again!

Penned By:
C.E.Dale Manning (c)2003
Gideon, Mo.

Author's Comment
God's ways are more than we can
comprehend...but He always knows best!

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