On 2002.6.13, I completed watching every single episode of DS9.  Yay!
(NOTE: my favorite episodes are in red)

DS9 - Season 1
Emissary I, II  46379.1
Past Prologue: A Bajoran terrorist tries to get Kira to join him
A Man Alone: Odo accused of murder
Babel - (46423.7) a disease spreads on DS9 that affects everyone's ability to speak coherently
Captive Pursuit  a Con-mar flees to DS9
Q-Less  46531.2: Q comes aboard DS9 with Vash.
Dax  46910.1
The Passenger  a prisoner transfers his consciousness
Move Along Home
The Nagus
Vortex  a thief tempts Odo to find a changeling colony he saw
Battle Lines
The Storyteller   46729.1  Bashir & O'Brian get to know each other
Progress  46844.3
If Wishes Were Horses  everyone's wishes become reality.  Very funny episode
The Forsaken 46925.1
Dramatis Personae: a spirit takes over DS9 crew except for Odo
Duet: a Cardassian clerk tries to take blame for war crimes
In the Hands of the Prophets: Winn criticizes Keiko's teachings
DS9 - Season 2
The Homecoming
The Circle
The Siege
Invasive Procedures  47182.1 a trill tries to steal Dax from Jadzia
Cardassians: Garak unfoils Dukat's scheme
Melora  47229.1 Bashir's gravity-less GF
Rules of Acquisition: 1st mention of Dominion
Necessary Evil  47282.5  5 year-old murder case
Second Sight  47329.4  Sisko falls in love
Sanctuary: displaced race claims Bajor as homeland
Rivals: Too much luck on station
The Alternate  47391.7  Odo brings havoc on the station
Armageddon Game: Bashir and O'Brian stuck on a planet
Whispers: O'Brian flees DS9
Paradise  47573.1  Sisko & Obrian get stuck on a colony with no technology
Shadowplay (47603.3)  hologram society
Playing God: tiny-developing universe
Profit and Loss: Quark's lover comes to the station.  Garak makes an appearance.
Blood Oath: Dax goes off with 3 Klingons for revenge
The Maquis Part I
The Maquis Part II
The Wire: Garak being killed by a brain implant
Crossover: 1st encounter with parallel universe
The Collaborator: Winn is elected as Kai
Tribunal: 47944.2  O'Brian wrongly accused
The Jem'Hadar: first encounter with Dominion
DS9 - Season 3
The Search, Part I: 48212.4  Romulans loan cloak in exchange for information on Dominion
The Search, Part II: Dominion performs experiment on the crew to determine the limits of the Federation
The House of Quark: Quark murders a Klingon
Equilibrium: Dax finds out about previous host Juran
Second Skin: Kira disguised as Cardassian
The Abandoned: young Jemfhaddar found on DS9
Civil Defense: DS9 set on self-destruct, Dukat being arrogant
Meridian: corporeal and non-corporeal planet
Defiant: Thomas Riker
Fascination: everyone starts falling in love
Past Tense, Part I: Sisko & Bashir go to 2050 SF.  Lame episodes.
Past Tense, Part II
Life Support: Kai Winn usese Borile to complete negotiations w/ Cardassians
Heart of Stone: Odo reveals his love for Kira
Destiny: 48543.2  communications established between Gamma and Alpha quadrant
Prophet Motive: Quark has orb experience
Visionary: O'Brian shifts through time
Distant Voices: an alien gets inside Bashir's mind
Through the Looking Glass: Sisko's 1st encounter with parallel universe
Improbable Cause: Garak shop is blown up
The Die Is Cast: Obsidian Order & Tal shi-yar go up against the Dominion
Explorers: Sisko and Jake travel in an old Bajoran vessel.  A nice episode, like 'Family'
Family Business: Quark's mother makes a profit, Sisko meets Kasidy
Shakaar: Kira joins resistance with Shakaar
Facets: Dax meets her previous hosts
The Adversary: 48959.1   Odo faces off with a changeling

DS9 - Season 4
Way of the Warrior, Part I
Way of the Warrior, Part II: DS9 shows off it's awesome weapons barrage
Visitor: good suspense
Hippocratic Oath
Little Green Men
Starship Down
The Sword of Kahless
Our Man Bashir
Paradise Lost
Return to Grace
The Sons of Mogh
The Bar Association: Leeta =)
Rules of Engagement
Hard Times: O'Brian experiences 15 yrs of prison time
Shattered Mirror: cool space fights
For The Cause
The Quickening
To the Death: Jem'hadar are trying to create an Iconian gate
Body Parts
Broken Link

DS9 - Season 5
Apocalypse Rising: 50049.3  get rid of Gawron changeling
The Ship: a Changeling dies on a planet
Looking for Par'mach in All the Wrong Places: Quarkfs ex-wife comes to DS9, Worf makes out with Dax
...Nor the Battle to the Strong: Jake whimps out
The Assignment: Pah-raith take over Keiko
Trials and Tribble-ations: Kirk
He Who is Without Sin: Worf, Dax, Leeta, & Bashir go to Risa
Things Past: go back to Terek Nor
The Ascent: Odo & Quark crash land
Rapture: Sisko has visions about the future
The Darkness and the Light: Kirafs friends from the occupation are all murdered
The Begotten: Odo regains shapeshifting ability
For the Uniform: Sisko captures Eddington
In Purgatory's Shadow: Garak and Worf get caught by the Dominion
By Inferno's Light: Garak, Worf, Martok, & Bashir escape; Cardassia joins the Dominion
Doctor Bashir - I Presume: the Doctor discovers that Bashir was genetically enhanced
A Simple Investigation: Odo makes out with a woman
Business as Usual: Quark sells weapons
Ties of Blood and Water: Tekeny Ghemor dies
Ferengi Love Songs
Soldiers of the Empire: Martok not fit to lead
Children of Time: the Defiant travels back into time 200 years
Blaze of Glory: Maquis attempt to attack Cardassia
Empok Nor: Garak, O'Brian, and others go visit the spooky Empok Nor
In the Cards: Jake tries to get a baseball card for his father
Call to Arms: 50975.2  DS9 is taken over
DS9 - Season 6
A Time to Stand
Rocks and Shoals
Sons and Daughters
Behind the Lines
Favor the Bold
The Sacrifice of Angels: the conclusion to a 7-episode continuation
You're Cordially Invited...: Worf & Jadzia get married
Resurrection: Borile comes back to life
Statistical Probabilities
The Magnificent Ferengi: funny episode =)
Waltz: Dukat escapes from his prison cell
Who Mourns for Morn?
Far Beyond the Stars: Sisko is in the 60's
One Little Ship: the Defiant is shrunk
Honor Among Thieves
Change of Heart: Worf has to leave Jadzia or complete his mission
Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night: Kira travels into the past to see her mother
Inquisition: Bashir gets investigated by Section 31
In the Pale Moonlight: Sisko gets the Romulans to join the fight against the Dominion
His Way: Odo and Kira get together
The Reckoning: the Prophets and the Pah-raith fight against each other on DS9
Profit and Lace
Time's Orphan: Molly falls into a time portal
The Sound of Her Voice
Tears of the Prophets
DS9 - Season 7
Image in the Sand
Shadows and Symbols
Afterimage: Ezri tries to get along with the crew
Take Me Out To The Holosuite: baseball
Chrysalis: Bashir tries to get with one of his patients
Treachery, Faith And The Great River: a double Weyoun
Once More Into The Breach
The Siege of AR-558
Covenant: Dukat is back
It's Only A Paper Moon
Prodigal Daughter
The Emperor's New Cloak: the conclusion of the mirror universe
Field of Fire: Ezri's homicidal self helps solve a crime
Chimera: Odo meets a changeling
Badda-Bing Badda-Bang
Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges: Bashir carries out a Section 31 mission
Penumbra: Worf is missing
The Changing Face of Evil
When It Rains...
Tacking Into The Wind
Night Tremors
The Dogs of War
What You Leave Behind [1]
What You Leave Behind [2]

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