
My fav episodes are in red.

Voyager - SEASON 1
Parallax: Belanna & Carey in competition for Chief Engineer
Time and Again: Paris and Janeway attempt to stop the self-destruction of a species ? in the past
The Cloud: Voyager investigates a nebula
Eye of Needle: Voyager discover a tiny wormhole
Ex Post Facto: Paris is blamed for the death of a womanfs husband
Prime Factors Voyager visits a world known for its hospitality
State of Flux 
Heroes and Demons
Cathexis some spirit is jumping around in everyone
Faces: Torres is split into two people by a Vidiian scientist
Learning Curve
Voyager - SEASON 2
The 37's:
Initiations: Nog is a Kazon boy
Projections: good suspense =)
Non Sequitur: good suspense =)
Parturition: Paris and Neelix fighting over Kes
Persistence of Vision
Cold Fire: The Caretaker's lover
Maneuvers: Seska returns
Prototype: Belanna finds an android
Alliances: Kazon
Threshold: Paris passes Warp 10
Deathwish: Q
Lifesigns: Doc & Vidian woman
Investigations: Paris leaves the ship; the Kazon set a trap for Voyager
Deadlock: good =)
The Thaw: damn clown >:(
Basics, Part I

Voyager - SEASON 3
Basics, Part II
Flashback: Sulu makes a guest apperance =)
The Chute 
The Swarm
False Profits: funny episode with the 2 idiot Ferengi from TNG
Sacred Ground
Future's End, Parts I & II: Voyager in 20th century, visited by 29th century time cops, Doctor becomes mobile hologram
The Q and the Gray
Fair Trade: Neelix
Alter Ego 
Coda: suspense =)
Blood Fever: Belanna has Pon Farr
Favorite Son
Before and After: Kes.  suspense =)
Real Life
Distant Origin: dinosaur people
Worst Case Scenario: good suspense =)
Scorpion, Part I

Voyager - SEASON 4
Scorpion, Part II
The Gift
Day Of Honor
The Raven: Seven
Scientific Method
The Year of Hell, Part I: =)
The Year of Hell, Part II: =)
Random Thoughts
Concerning Flight
Mortal Coil
Waking Moments
Message in a Bottle: The Doctor
The Killing Game
Vis a Vis
The Omega Directive
Living Witness: the evil Voyager crew ;)
Hope and Fear

Voyager - SEASON 5
Extreme Risk
In The Flesh
Once upon a time
Timeless: #1 Voyager episode =)
Infinite Regress
Nothing Human: Cardassian doctor
Thirty Days Paris
Latent Image
Bride of Chaotica
Dark Frontier
The Disease
Course: Oblivion excellent suspense=)
The Fight
Think Tank: George makes a guest appearance
Someone to Watch over me
11:59 stupid episode about Janeway's ancestor
Equinox, Part I

Voyager - SEASON 6
Equinox, Part II   A renegade starship causes problems for Voyager.
Survival Instinct   Seven is confronted with her past.
Barge of the Dead   Torres embarks on a journey to Klingon hell.
Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy   The Doctor experiences daydreams.
Alice   Paris rebuilds an old shuttle.
Riddles   Tuvok suffers neurological damage.
Dragon's Teeth   Voyager stumbles into Turei under-space.
One Small Step   Voyager searches for a long-lost Mars spacecraft.
The Voyager Conspiracy   Seven suspects there is a conspiracy.
Pathfinder   Barclay tries to make contact with Voyager.
Fair Haven   The crew enjoys the holodeck creation Fair Haven.
Blink of an Eye   Voyager encounters a strange new world.
Virtuoso  The Doctor experiences fleeting fame.
Memorial  The crew experiences strange visions.
Tsunkatse  Seven must fight for the entertainment of others.
Collective  Voyager encounters Borg children.
Spirit Folk  Problems arise when Voyager runs a holodeck program non-stop.
Ashes to Ashes  A crewman returns to Voyager.
Child's Play  Icheb returns to his family.
Good Shepherd  Underperforming crewmembers go on a mission.
Live Fast and Prosper  Voyager encounters con artists.
Muse  Torres is stranded.
Fury  Kes returns to Voyager.
Life Line  The Doctor's creator is dying.
The Haunting of Deck Twelve Neelix spooks the Borg children.
Unimatrix Zero, Part I  A dreamstate of certain Borg drones could undermine the Collective.

Voyager - SEASON 7
Unimatrix Zero, Part II   The crew infiltrates Unimatrix Zero.
Imperfection  Seven suffers a breakdown.
Drive   Paris and Torres compete in a race.
Repression   Maquis crewmembers are mysteriously attacked.
Critical Care   The Doctor is stolen.
Inside Man   Voyager gets an unexpected delivery.
Body and Soul   The Doctor experiences actual human senses.
Nightingale   Harry Kim takes command of a ship.
Flesh and Blood, Part I   Voyager's holo-technology comes back to haunt them.
Flesh and Blood, Part II   The renegade Holograms abduct Torres.
Shattered   Chakotay experiences different eras of Voyager's history.
Lineage   Torres worries about her unborn child.
Repentance   Voyager transports prisoners.
Prophecy   Torres' unborn child may be a Klingon "Savior."
The Void   Voyager is pulled into a void.
Workforce, Part I   The crew works on an unknown world.
Workforce, Part II   Chakotay tries to rescue his lost comrades.
Human Error   Seven experiences more emotions.
Q2   Q and his son visit Voyager.
Author, Author   The Doctor works on his new holo-novel.
Friendship One   Starfleet orders Voyager to locate the titular probe.
Natural Law   Seven and Chakotay are stranded.
Homestead  Voyager discovers a Talaxian settlement.  
Renaissance Man   Janeway is held hostage.
Endgame, Part I   Admiral Janeway travels back in time.
Endgame, Part II   Janeway tries to change Voyager's history.

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