The Secret Diary of Nick Phillips, Aged 27 And Three And One-Third Quarters

The Secret Diary Of Nick Phillips
(Aged 27 And Three And One-Third Quarters)


Let's get this straight from the start. This is a personal blog that is in no way affiliated, condoned or sanctioned by my employer (or anyone else for that matter). Everything I write about is my own opinion and should not reflect anything whatsoever to do with the company that I work for. There's 2 reasons for that: primarily because I don't want them (and thus me) to get in trouble for anything I write about, but also because work just isn't really that interesting, irrespective of what job you do.

I initially thought it unnecessary to explain who I am. After all, anyone reading this site must know me, or so I thought. I have deliberately not advertised this site and you will not find it referenced on any search engines (actually that last part's a lie, but you're unlikely to come across it by accident). However, it appears that there are people who drift by occasionally who I have never met before. For those of you, all you need to know is that I am a British ex-pat living in a town called Nanchang in China, working in a manufacturing field.

I will try and steer clear of personal attacks on people. Ok, that's not realistic. Anyone is fair game for a mention here. If you really don't like what I've said, a quick email goes a long way, rather than a law suit. You'll soon realise that laws are not generally applicable in China anyhow.

Absolutely everything on this site is at least based on my experience in Nanchang. Some things have been very obviously embellished because I think they're funny, but the vast majority is all truthful. In some instances, I may change the timings of some of my diary entries, particularly if it's a slow news day or if I've already written too much for one sitting. All graphics and images etc are my own creation (even the red cars crashing - I was dead chuffed with that), except where others have been credited for their input or they are freely available for use.

Latest news:

Well overdue with the final update but it's here now so quit whinging. Thanks to everyone for your support over the last two and a bit years. I hope you enjoyed the glimpse into my life in Nanchang.

Nick's Natty Nanchang Crashometer! So far, I've seen


Car crash

road accidents in Nanchang. Maybe if they weren't so damn short, they'd be able to see over the steering wheel.

Any questions? Just want to keep in touch? Found a broken link? Want to chat on msn? Fancy donating me some money? Mail me at [email protected]

Counter people have got nothing better to do than look at this website. Word!

I pity the fool who has a masters degree in cybernetics and this crappy web-site is the best he can come up with. Sucka!
Last update on 04.07.07 by Mr. T.
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