Hello this is my attempt at a home page website; I'm new at this so this web site won't be the bomb, at least not yet! I will start with telling you a little bit about myself. It all started one dark and stormy night toward the end of the 20th century when I was born in Sidney Australia. Now if you are wondering why I don’t look like the British invaders of the Australian continent (all over the world people are surprised there are non-white people in places like Australia and the United States, guess it’s hard to tell when only those with the greatest share of power are visible in the media!) the answer is simple, my parents are from one of the Muslim republics of China. Long before most of the world, Australia had a minimum wage, a 35-hour working week (I am working for this change in America), child benefits and the vote for Women. Australia even invented the secret ballot, where as the Americans mastered the art of rigging it! Australia is a great place with very progressive open minded people who need to participate more in the democratic process, because of their lack of participation those with the greatest share of power are much like the old South African racist elite. Examples of this can be seen in the current Prime Minister John Howard who is basically a lap dog of the American neo-conservative Bush administration (like Tony Blair of un-great Britton) and, Rupert Murdoch the billionaire who owns the 19th century FOX channel with the Faux News (they distort before you can decide). Long before I was born Australia was swept by progressive changes by the Labour party that sought to make amends for the policies of genocide committed by previous administrations against the Aboriginal people and other People of Colour. The Labour party even elected a Prime Minister Gough Whitlam who was overthrown by the American CIA with the help of the Governor-General, the U.S. has done this to many other democratically elected governments around the world and continues to subvert democracy all over the world when democracy is inconsistent with the interests of America’s corporate elite. Of course Australia has a hand in the activity of it’s imperialist masters be it un-great Britton or the United States as we can see in Gallipoli in behalf of the British, in Viet Nam in behalf of the United States and, in Iraq this time in behalf of both imperialists. Nothing like the loss of an imperialist war to bring home some progressive changes!

(What the Australian flag should be!)


       Here I am in the belly of the beast where I feel I can do the most good. Though the FOX channel has tried to convince you otherwise, America is loaded with progressive open minded people, as a matter of fact the vast majority who more or less boycott the elections because the candidates they have to choose from represent one of two factions of the business party and have no interest in helping the people. Most Americans see the right-wing agenda for what it is, an attempt to usurp democracy with the board rooms of the Enron and Halliburton types. The only problem is that there exists a large group of  uneducated blue collar white trash males that always defer to the judgment of neo-con elites. If you consider neo-conservative elites your friends, you better not be making any enemies in life. Reality is that the left wing liberals are the ones who really care about the people, seek to empower them, educate them and, improve your quality of life. The right wing corporate elites think humanity needs to be brain washed into deferring to the judgment of the CEOs, their judgment has brought on environmental destruction and, the violent oppression of minorities. The only thing propping up this system  is that the people have been convinced that other oppressed people are their enemies and, lack the ability to make a positive change. In order to make a difference I want to be a Barrister or Attorney as you people say, just like my parents. I am at Cal-State-LA studying political science with the pre-law option. I am trying to decide whether I want to be a trial lawyer, a progressive activist judge, a politician or what ever will bring the most grief to the right-wing establishment!

     America is home to two of the greatest propaganda achievements in history! The first being the difference between what U.S. citizens believe their rulers are doing in the world (including domestic policy) and what these rulers actually are doing. The second and perhaps the most devastating is when people can see through the propaganda, they have been successfully convinced that there is nothing they can do about it. You may not believe in your ability to make a difference but, the system definitely believes in your ability to make a difference, as a matter of fact it lives with a great deal of trepidation over this matter. This is why the system expends so much of its efforts on very professionally done propaganda (most of the people with degrees in the social sciences making a great deal of money work in this area) that seeks to marginalize you in your ability to make a difference. Given the historical precedent of the people's struggles winning in the face of next to impossible odds, they have plenty to worry about and, I want to give them a whole lot more! As a last resort the system starts imperialist wars in the hope of bring together the people under its wing in the face of some perceived danger, as well as giving it the premise needed for domestic suppression of civil rights and liberties(executive order 9066, Korematsu v. United States, 323 U.S. 214 (1944), the USA Patriot Act, illegal NSA spying on students, secret prisons and, torture, just to name a few examples). Well it may work sometimes for a while but, many times it is during imperialist warfare and domestic suppression of civil rights when some of the greatest domestic opposition emerges, just spend a little time outside and you will see for yourself. Where revolution is impossible, those with vision make it inevitable!



(Because I have given up on getting most of you to read books!)






(I have finished all these books and written reports. Surprise me, read one!)





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Hey Mr. Neo-Con!





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