The Burning Times

Also see my page on the Salem trials.

This was a two-year study that I did as part of my history A-Level. It is about the Witch-craze in Europe during the Middle-Ages and examines the background issues as well as looking at why more women than men were accused.

I chose the topic mainly because I was becoming interested in Witchcraft and used it as a cover to buy occult books and do other research. However, I was soon gripped and put a lot of effort into it. I wanted to put it on the net because I wish I had found something like this when I was doing it! It is broken down into easily digestible chunks and I have included a bibliography of books I found helpful.

Background of the Period

This is just to set the scene, and explains different aspects of popular culture and society of the time (15-1700s). It also looks at the role of women in society and in the home.

Contemporary Definitions of a Witch

This contains quotes from various sources, stating various definitions of a witch, all involving the devil.

The Accused

This is a brief look at the types of people usually accused of witchcraft, and an investigation of the possible reasons.

The Accusers

This is an investigation of the types of people who instigated accusations of witchcraft, and an analysis of their possible motives.

Methods of Obtaining a Confession

This is a rather graphic account of the torture methods and means of execution. Don’t try this at home.


This is a list of the primary and secondary sources I found useful in my study, it is by no means an exhaustive list.

These are a few edited chapters from my investigation, and were the ones I thought would be most interesting and useful. If you want any more information or any other help then just email me and I will do all I can.

I would also be interested in any links which people have found relating to this topic and similar ones such as the Salem Witch trials.

I am also open for a little discussion if you disagree with any part of my study. I don’t claim to be any kind of expert on this issue, I just offer my interpretation and am always willing to expand my mind.

I desperately want to illustrate these sections, so if anyone knows of any sites with relevant graphics, please leave a note in the guestbook or email me.

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