Magical Correspondences

This is a fairly extensive list of magical correspondences.

In Paganism, correspondences are things, times and symbols that share the same magical energies and vibrations. They help people focus on their desires and greatly enhance the power of spells.

It should be kept in mind that while correspondences may be beneficial tools for magical workings, they are merely tools and not the magic within themselves. For truly successful magic, you must combine the correspondence with creative visualisation and the power of your own will.

I said before, that I am not going to include a list of rituals. This is due to the vast number of sites devoted to this particular area of Paganism. My main reason for this omission is that I believe that not everyone can follow a list of instructions and achieve the desired results. Many people find the structure of ritual helps focus their power, but I prefer to use a less formal routine. I don't believe that there is one true way to practise magic, there are as many methods as there are individuals. This is one aspect of Paganism I adore, that everyone is given the freedom to follow their own path.

These lists are quite long, so you might find it more helpful to copy and paste them for reference, or if you're looking for a specific herb or stone, you can always just do a ctrl+f. The lists are handy if you feel drawn to a particular herb or stone and you'd like to learn more about their qualities.

Magical Herbs, Plants and Flowers

Magical Stones

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