Despu�s de varios meses sin actualizaciones,
he mejorado los dise�os de varias subp�ginas y
agregado un nuevo sitio en Animes de Paga.

B�sicamente �ste sitio tiene algunos sonidos .WAV
del doblaje Mexicano de Sailor Moon, v�deos, un tributo a
Sailor Galaxia y p�ginas separadas de animes no
vistos en tele nacional para que las conozcas.

Espero que te guste los cambios, BYE!!!.

�ltima Actualizaci�n: 9/Mayo/2003.

Animes vistos en M�xico por TV de paga

Sonidos .WAV de Sailor Moon del doblaje Latino-Americano

Videos de Sailor Moon del doblaje Latino-Americano NUEVO!

Tributo a Sailor Galaxia

V�nculos que te sugiero visitar

e-mail: [email protected]

Mi primer premio

Aquarius Camus
You are Aquarius Camus. You control the 11th Palace
and are one of the Strongest Saints. You have a
Student named Crystal Saint who taught Hyoga.
You are covered in Darkness and hidden motives
but always had favor towards Hyoga even though
you forbid him from seeing his mother. All of
Ice is at your very Fingertips and you are the
second closest person to master the Absolute
Coldness. You Served Athena with all your Heart
and show little emotion.

What Saint Seiya Gold Saint are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

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