I Love The Summer Rain

I love the sound of summer rain
That splashes on my window pane
Because I know that each drop will bring
New Life to every growing thing.

It's healing touch will mean rebirth
To dried out soil and sun baked earth
And bath the valleys and the hills
With natures balm to cure their ills.

The farmers field of corn will thrive
The thirsty orchard come alive.
Each blade of grass each lofty pine
Will benefit by Gods design.

And when the summer rain is through
And everything looks fresh and new,
I always wish the world could be
Revitalized this easily.

That suddenly there'd come a day
When hatred would be washed away.
When wars would end and violence cease
And all mankind could live in peace.

But maybe cleansing has to start
In every persons mind and heart
And when each one of us is free
Of hatred and hostility

The world itself will come alive
And all humanity will thrive
Because Gods Hand will bring rebirth
To every corner of the earth.

~ Nancy Lee Keller ~
Šused with permission
If you would enjoy using this poem just click on
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