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This page Is dedicated to all "Lost Angels"  Every day in our country children are the targets of  Abduction, Abuse neglect and unfortunately murder.

It's time we all took a stand a say we are not going to take this no more. Our children are not even safe in there own front yards and worst yet ..Many are not even safe in there own homes...

As the old song goes ...  No one knows what goes on behind closed doors .... and for many this is happening every day....Some are to little to speak for them selfs and some are to afraid....

Our laws need to change for the children and we have to take this responsibility upon ourselves and make it happen....for them.............

Please take a moment to visit the links below as they are each trying to save our Children. Also feel free to take any of the tags above with "Lost Angels" on them. Please link them back to this page.

SassKittn's Home Page

Sabrina Paige Aisenberg ~ Missing Baby

NEW - Knights of Kindness,

Ribbons Of Hope, BaddTeddy Tutorials, Stories, Laughs

Ash's Home page

Support Vivian's Law:

Supporting Vivian & Vivian's Law

The Polly Klaas® Foundation

- missing children, child abduction, prevention and education

Missing Children's Ring: How to Join

The Lion's House Children's Home

Updated Webpage for Nadia (Age 8 - A hostage in Syria)


Help The Kids Wall For Missing Children

Help Bring Thousands of Missing Children Home

Missing Children

Christy Walkers

IUAA: The search for Jill Behrman

Dar 1 955's Home Page

Heaven's Littlest Angels

CHILD QUEST INTERNATIONAL - Finding missing children

Missing Children Clearinghouses Around the World

Garden Of Missing Children Society

Save-The-Children-USA - Get Involved!

ADOPT AN ANGEL ~ Linking Sites To Help The Children

"The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children's

Home Page - an online resource for information on: Missing Children


Child Watch of North America

- missing children organization headquartered in Orlando, Florida

Sign View

If you have a page to be listed here. Or child missing please email me with the information.

[email protected]

Arsim Istrefi - Wanted for Murder - $2 REWARD

I have taken this story In particular to put at the End of my page.This story portrays the life of a child that was spared but will be forced to deal with the reality the rest of her life watching her Mother being butchered like an animal going for slaughter.This needless act of brutality cant and Must not be ignored.Please read and pass this story around and help find This vicious Murderer in hopes that this child can grow in to adult hood and live in peace knowing He is locked up and cant harm her.Lets find this guy for the sake of all angels and mothers...That are out there that could be another victim of his cold brutality..

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