According to French sources and Malory, Lancelot was the son of King Ban of Benwick, one of the young King Arthur's staunchest supporters, and his queen, Elaine. King Ban became involved in a war with the neighboring kingdom of King Claudus. Claudus defeated Ban and forced the king and queen to flee. As they were fleeing, Ban looked back and the sight of his home in flames caused him to fall in a swoon from which he never rose. Running to his aid, Elaine left Lancelot beside a lake and the Lady of the Lake stole the child away and raised him in her underwater palace where he was known as Lancelot of the Lake. In Ulrich's account, Lancelot was the son King Pant of Gennewis and his wife, Clarine. Pant was killed in a rebellion and Lancelot was stolen by a fairy and raised in Maidenland.
Table of the finest wood
Mankind has ever seen
Without head and without foot
A sign of eternity

All knights are equal here
And so is even the King
Our swords point to its center
Giving us the power to win

Together we stand
Steel in our hands
Fighting forever
Forever we stand

Forever we fight
Side by side
Forever we stand
Forever we fight

Give us the wisdom - Almighty Lord
To make out wrong from right
Give us the will to choose the Right
And the readiness to sacrifice

We become free in serving each other
We're Camelot's pounding heart
Round table of true brothers
Until death do us part
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