The Cats
Top Cat and Jinxy
This is Sara.  She was a giveaway we found in the want ads, and decided to take her.  She was the most independent cat we've ever had, preferring to remain outdoors even in the rain and snow.  She disappeared one day, and we discovered later that our next door neighbor had shot her.
Sarah II was Mom's favorite cat.  She was exceptionally smart and very affectionate, but she had a temper.  She would not tolerate anyone touching her belly or her paws.  She lived to be 17 years old.  She went blind, and apparently suffered a stroke.

On the right, Sarah is playing among the Christmas packages.
Baby was born a stray to a cat that had been abandoned in the neighborhood.  Sadly, this was how many of our cats came to us, outcasts from irresponsible idiots who think pets are disposable.
Baby's father was a yellow persian, her mother a Russian blue.  Her parents were shot by our next door neighbor.  Baby lived to be 20 years old.  Like Sarah, she went blind, but seemed very  happy until she developed a tumor under her heart.
Amy was a stray who had a rough early life.  Abandoned as a kitten by irresponsible people, she learned to fend for herself, catching and eating birds and mice to survive.  When we took her in, she had a litter of kittens, and Dad brought them all home in flower pots, because they were too wild to handle.  They were hissing and swiping at everyone, but they soon tamed down.  Amy was especially fond of Dad, following him all over the yard like a dog.
This is Mischief, Amy's daughter.  Amy had five kittens, but for some reason, Mischief was left after all the others had been taken.  She was the runt, but she turned out to be the pick of the litter!  She had an adorable personality, very playful and affectionate.  Mischief lived to the age of 17.  Most of our cats have been long lived.
This is Patty-Cat.  She showed up one day at the office where I worked, and ended up inside the office.  Unfortunately, I was laid off, and I never knew what became of her.
This was Callie, another hard-luck pet.  Her owners abandoned her when they moved, just packed up and left her behind.  She remained at their old house for a long time, until winter arrived and cold and hunger drove her to seek out shelter.  I couldn't resist feeding her.  That was soon followed by a bed on the front porch.  Finally, she ended up in the house.  She was the best house cat imaginable!  She never got on the furniture, never tore anything up with her claws; she was just as perfect as a cat can be.  She had a sore on her face beneath her right eye that turned out to be melanoma.  Surgery failed to get it all, and it eventually ate into her sinuses.  When she was in danger of suffocating, it became necessary to put her down.  If the idiots who had owned her first had behaved like responsible adults, they might have caught this in time.
Yep, he looks a lot like Sarah II, but he's not.  This is Tommy, aka Tom-Tom..  He's my parents' current kitty.  He was not exactly a stray, because we know he belonged to the neighbors down the street.  They had a houseful of young kids who were apparently never taught to handle animals with care.  Tommy ran away from his old home, and moved in with Mom and Dad.  To this day, he is terrified of children.
Amazingly, Smoky is a stray that showed up in the garage one day hunting food.  She was skinny and frightened, but so desperate that she turned over a pail that I used to keep dog food in.  I attempted to find her owner, but no one claimed her.  She was declawed and spayed, so I got a bargain.  She's a very sweet kitty.
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