Welcome to Nancy's Pond 2001

   A year ago I completed building my pond. Why a pond? Well living in Central Florida, the rain is scarce at certain times of the year. I got tired of not having any grass because we were on water restrictions. So my solution to have a green yard? Build a pond/flower garden. So that's what I did. I thought that I would also end up having less yard work. Boy, was I wrong! But it is very enjoyable. I love going out there at night, light the torches around the deck and read a book while listening to the water splashing over the rocks. Or lighting a fire in the chimnea on those cool winter nights (remember it's Florida we don't have a real winter).
    Building the pond was a big process and alot of work. I made some mistakes along the way and now that I understand the process alittle better, would do some things differently. I would like to build it bigger and  build a larger waterfall (now that I have a better idea of how to do it).
    I had to add some things along the way (like a second filter system) and because of my line of work (day care) I had to add an enclosure (which was a real pain to do after the pond was already functioning but ended up being a blessing because it keeps the animals out of it). During the first part of this year it was losing to much water and getting warm (because of the depth) so I put lawn screening over the top of the trellis and solved that problem.
    I haven't lost too many fish to critters. Caught a heron staking it out one day and couldn't stand guard 24 hours so I ended up using fishing line which I zig-zagged between the posts and haven't had a worry since (except to remember to duck when climbing in the pond).
    Mark and I scavenged the local ditches and ponds and came up with some plants (and some snails too). Others I bought. Recently my Spider Lillies started blooming. And a few weeks ago I found 3000 tadpoles (hope they have all gone to greener pastures). All the plants are filling in around the flowerbed. The wildflower seeds I planted really went wild and I ended up pulling almost all of them out because they were to thick, but they are coming back again.
    For fish, I first bought some large fancy goldfish, but those were the ones I ended up losing. So I went to the feeder godlfish that were about 1" and now they are huge. I bought one small Koi to see if it would survive and now he is about 9" long. I lost my algae eaters during the winter of 1999. Got some minnows out of the ditch to eat the mosquito larvae.
    It was alot of work that Mark & I did by ourselves (my boyfriend did help some) and continue to do together. Sometimes it's fun. Sometimes it's just work. But the pay-off has by far been worth it.
    Anyway, I hope you enjoy looking at my pictures. Have a great day.
The pond enclosed. I made the lattice removable by drilling slots in the slates and mounting eye bolts to the posts. I used locking rings to secure it. That way I can take it down during parties or just about anytime. It takes about 5 minutes to pull it apart or put it back up. Ground Jasmine is planted all around the outside edges of the pond.
The waterfall at night with the lattice up. That was a project. Had no idea how to do it. And then when I had the first one finished it leaked backwards so we had to tilt it. Well the boys (my boyfriend and Randy, my nieghbor) got carried away with the lifting and broke it apart so I had to start over again. Got it right the second time.
It's a cute little pond and everyone likes it.
My leopard at night.
Smokey, Marks' cat. She likes chasing the lizards and leaving them on my doorstep. She drinks out of the pond but doesn't bother the fish. She has no claws on the front but lives outside.
Backside of pond
The pond before a cleaning.
Boy was that water dirty.
Washing the rocks. My back was killing me after this. Mark wasn't to happy either.
Morning feeding. These all started out as feeders.
One of the larger ones. About 5".
Some more group shots. My second koi was a Ogon. He was so pretty before the pump mishap during the pond rebuild.
After the cleaning. Big difference in the water clarity isn't there. You can see Boss Hog and the original Sunny here.
Close up of the Boss. He's such a pig.
You can get an idea of how big he is in comparison to the other goldfish.
Mark hanging out one night.
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