Nane Quartay
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Nane Quartay resides in Denver, Colorado and has been writing for three years. This is his first novel and is a self published work via print-on-demand technology.  He is currently at work on his next novel.
Tokus Stone, abandoned by his parents, survives on his own by entering the underworld of drug dealers in the 'hood. "Doesn't matter," Tokus mused. "'Cause I got dreams." Yet his dreams of graduating college and stepping into the legal way of life are suddenly threatened by the thug life that he lives and by Five-O, a rogue cop.

First, Tokus is confronted by Moose, the neighborhood bully - an encounter that ends in murder. Five-O confronts Tokus about the murder and offers him a way out. In exchange for his freedom, all Tokus has to do is poison an influential bussinessman who also happens to have a serious drug habit.  Tokus is torn between taking a life or facing 'life' in prison... a decision that shapes the rest of his life.

Way Jalon is a power magnate and he controls the city with his two iron-handed children -- Money and Power. With the advent of the synthetic drug called Feenin, Way plans to expand his sphere of influence into epidemic proportions.  The Feenin is a new wave with a chemical composition that creates desperate addicts who will forego crack-cocaine in order to obtain the fantasy high ... and desperate addicts will do anything to support their habit.

This fast paced, edge of your seat novel traces the lives of two strangers, a street hustler and an affluent businessman, from their sharply contrasting paths to their final, ultimate confrontation.  Only one will survive the encounter.  Only one will survive the Feenin
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