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Myanmar, or Burma as it is still more familiarly known in the West, is a country where magnificent and ancient Baddish temple gaze out serenely over a nation restless for change. Myanmar has plenty of wonders for the eye sinuous, life-giving rivers, lush mountain forests, and intricately-drawn cities--but it can also trouble the soul. 

Both of Myanmar's principal cities are Yangon and Mandalay

Myanmar's population includes dozens of different racial and ethnic groups, including the Kachins, Kayars, Karens, Chins, Mon, Burmars, Rakhine, and Shans, each of which have historically dominated a particular area of the country.According to the statistics of 1998-99, the population of the country is estimated at 47.25 million and the population growth rate is 1.84 percent. Males constitute 23.46 million, forming 49.66 percent and females constitute 23.79 million, forming 50.34 percent. It is expected that population will reach 50 million by the year 2000. Although Burmese is the major and official language, more than a hundred local and regional dialects are spoken throughout Myanmar.
Click here to listen the Myanmar Nation Sound.


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