Site Updates
Polls   Newsroom    Photos    Captions    Add-a-Link

Added some news and the contest section.  Still working of fixing some broken links.  Also added my sister-site,
MKA Mania


I'm having to change alot to the site.  I'm using too much space and so it's becoming a pain.  But, I'll get everything all fixed up and still continue to keep it updated.  I'll let you know if anything else happens, but don't worry...MKA Mania isn't closing!  Also, due to the space, I've taking out the Links page.  Now, all links will be under the add-a-link section.  If I find a site that is real great, I'll add a feature site page.


Added more news and the new MKA Mania Greetings section.  Now you can send your friends a Mary-Kate and Ashley card!


Site has been down for a bit.  I'm trying to add new things and to rearrange some things as well.  If you have problems with the links, don't fret....I'm fixing them and it should be working shortly.  If you have any questions, please email me @
[email protected].


Added the
Passport to Paris page and Switching Goals.  Aslo added new Rush Hour 2 pics.  Their's a new 'Captions' picture.  Send me in those captions so I can post them here at the site, giving you credit of course!


Added polls, new caption that was sent in.  Also, fixed and added links, added the add-a-link section, new photos, and sent out the newsletter today.  If you didn't get one, then subcribe and you'll recive one shortly.  I usually send them out weekly.  Any questions...
email me.
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