Name- Ashley
Age- 18
Place of origin- Orange County, California--- but I now live in AWESOME  South Carolina
Things I do- Art, Anime, play field hockey,swim, run take pictures of unsuspecting people, run around, clean, eat, sleep, be myself, fail school, watch Mystery Theatre 3000 every Saturday morning at 9:00, smile, cry, eat, play
Favorite Music- My music interests have greatly changed: OAR, Ben Harper, Jack Johnson, Moe, Acoustic Syndicate, String Cheese Incident, 70's stuff--- Doors, Eagles, CCR, Pink Floyd
Favorite Movies- Vanilla Sky, Fight Club, Snatch, Dazed and Confused, The Royal Tenenbaums, Chocolat,  Superstar, harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, The Matrix, Rockey Horror PIcture Show, you get the idea.  oh! and of course. . . Star Wars, and anything directed or having to do with Kevin Smith and old classics that star Audrey Hepburn
Favorite Books- Harry Potter, Mr. Popper's Penguins, Nate the Great,Go Dog Go! Catcher in the Rye, The Time Machine,Pride and Prejudice, Virgin Suicides, Slaughter House Five, Skinny legs and All, All the King's Men
Favorite Food- Strawberries and Mac and Cheese
Favorite Actors/ Actresses- Maggie Smith, Edward Norton, Angelina Jolie, Audrey Hepburn
Favorite anime- Cowboy Bebop, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Serial Experiments Lain, Akira, Outlaw Star, Astroboy, Sailor Moon, FLCL, Vampire Hunter D, Rouni Kenshin, Dirty Pair
Least Favorite things- Fake people, pop stars, nail polish, spiders, racists and prejudice people, fighting with loved ones, soap operas. . .
Prospective Colleges- Clemson, College of Charleston, Woford, Furman

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My buddies!!!!
AIM- Nanipu30
E-Mail- [email protected]
silly me
nick and me in Florida
in cabo
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