Hello, and welcome to my page. Contrary to the title, this is *not* a page about Earthian, though I really like the show. ^_^;;... This page is best viewed with 800 X 600 resolution. Gomen ne!

Updated August 29th 2001, 9:00 PM
'Nother Saiyuki update. Fic this time, called "Valete". ^_^;;... It's the lovely 18 pair everyone! ^_^...
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Since Dec 21st 2000

At the mention of Earthian, you probably realise (or not...) that I like stuff called yaoi/yuri/slash. If you know what it is, and you don't like it, then hit the Back button of your browser now before you seriously hurt yourself. If, by chance, you don't know, yaoi/yuri/slash mean that characters of the same gender are attracted to each other.




Still with me? Excellent! ^_^ I'm so happy! ::does a dance:: Please click on the links below to browse the site. Gaia here will gladly guide you through it. ^_^

Gaia: ...Hn. I'm supposed to be guiding people through EVO, The Search For Eden, kidnapper. >:/...

Koji: ::whistles innocently:: ^_^;;.. Um, yes, there is that. You will be temporarily assisting me in my.. uhh.. quest for the evolution of my page! >_<;;;.. Yeah... if you want to know what this is about, contact me. For now, I have to go see to some important matters.

Gaia: Oh, like some *real* work?

Koji: Eheheh... eheh.. aiyaa...

Gaia: I thought so.

Ah, here we have the scoundrel's art. Mostly from Harry Potter and a few miscellaneous items. The kidnapper uses Adobe Photoshop to enhance her pathetic attempts at drawing.

Oh, if there is anything worse than her drawing, there's always her fanfics. Hopefully, a few people will pity her and allow her to post their *real* literary exploits in order to compensate for her own feeble attempts.

Here is where all the junk that didn't fit anywhere else went.

This is probably the best place to go, as I'm sure you have better, more interesting places to visit.

This is just in case you want to contact her. But why would you want to do that? If it's to flame her, don't bother. She gets a kick out of reading flames and laughing at them, so you will only be encouraging her.

Disclaimer: All the the artwork here, the page layout etc was done by me unless stated. If you happen to like any of the material here (not likely...), email the credited person first! Feel free to link to this page with the banner above (Tell me if you do! ^_^ I want to see your site!). On the legal angle, the characters portrayed are copyright of their respective owners: Harry Potter is (C) of JK Rowling and (TM) of Warner Brothers 2000. Gaia is (C) of Enix.

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