Looking for anyone who attended or knew anyone who went to KING ALFRED SCHOOL PLON. Please Leave a message in my guest book

The music that is playing is Land down under(Men at Work)

'Cast your bread upon the waters,
for you will find it after many days'
(Ecclesiastes ll:1)

Here are some pictures of our holidays in Spain with Wendy and Charles.

going......going......and in some places......GONE

good news!! Perth Zoo has aquired a female Sumatran tiger and has started a breeding programme to help boost the now dwindling population...there are only 400 left in the world.

EVEN BETTER NEWS. As a result of the breeding programme, we have three new baby tigers born at Perth Zoo.Now they are ten months old and they are gorgeous. Here is a picture taken recently when we took the kids to the zoo. One of them was stalking little Matthew throught the glass. He must have looked a tasty morsel. Click here if you want to visit our beautiful zoo...Also read about the new Silvery Gibbon exhibit. There are also two new white Rhinos to keep Memphis company. We hope to hear the pitter patter of little rhino feet in the not too distant future....Great news, Perth Zoo has chosen a name for its recently born Southern White Rhinoceros calf. The name, TAMU (tah-moo), was selected from over 7000 sent in by the Perth community. TAMU means 'sweet' in Swahili.

Watery Deep Heavenly Heights to Lara's Lobby Heather's Hideout
To the tigers Ark Gallery

Hello, my name is Nerilka, Rikki for short, and I come from Perth in Western Australia.

find out more about Perth here.

and Western Australia here

What great pages!. Western Australia is really like this. Its much bigger than most people imagine.

I live in the northern suburbs of Perth not far from the the Indian Ocean.check hereto find out about our life in W.A. throughout the year. This is the latest update

February is Festival of Perth time. There is lots of entertainment and a variety of events. Some are free, some we buy tickets for. Some are in the open air. Take a look at our Festival of Perth programme

Colin and I are so proud of our five grandchildren and we always look forward to having fun with them. Matthew, Lauren's brother is a leap year boy, born on February 29th

Tess, his cousin's birthday is March 14th of the same year so you can see we had a busy year.

Heather our big girl is now in year six at school and loves horses.

Here is a picture of Lauren and Heather who are cousins

Our fifth grand child, Chloe Brooke is now two years old.

I have just retired from working in a busy public library as a library technician and I loved the work even though sometimes I'd rather have been .

Now I will have more time. Unless our new puppy Rosie To To has other ideas.

Want to know what Perth people are reading in the year 2001-2? Enterhere

fierce or gentle
big and small
beautiful cats
we love them all

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look in Lara's lobby. for more cats and links

Heathers hideout is here

Check out Heather's dinosaur pictureshere

My items on eBay

This page has been accessed times since October 1997

yesterday the counter said I had a million visitors, the next day it said there were none!!!P.S. I think its been fixed.

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