Welcome to my site! Do enjoy!
I am known to many on the HPN and the Snitch as Nanny Tonks. Here, you can get to know me a little better, learn a bit about my past, and find out about my likes and dislikes. Occasionally, I'll update this page with links to the latest goings-on in my life, or a wonderful ranting about it.... *grin* Just check back now and then, and I'll let you all know what's going on with me... This'll be the... Ongoing Project of Nanny Tonks, I suppose.
First off, links to my old pages!
Old page #1

Old page #2
Now that you've got a... Sort of inside look into my life as it used to be... Let me tell you about myself...
I have two online diaries that you can find here and here. Enjoy!
I'm 18 years old. As of late, I've been dealing with a lot of personal issues. Deaths... Pregnancies... Engagements. You name it. I've got so much on my plate right now, it's a wonder I still have the energy to move come mid-day. But amazingly, I manage to do it on a mere 5 hours of sleep a day... Which is all I'm going to get today because I refuse to go to bed. *sigh*

I won't tell you what I look like, as I've got links to plenty of pics above, and I'll be adding plenty more in the future to those sites as well as this one.

My hobbies... This is the fun part! I enjoy sleeping. Most people don't see that as a hobby, but I can't understand why it isn't an Olympic sport! I love sleep. My second favorite thing to do is spend time online... A result of my online time is I'm a great typist, and I spend a lot of time typing things... Stories have been my latest typing excursion. I've gotten into writing again, and if you let Phoenix Song tell it, I'm a great writer, or something like that. *grin*

I also *love* sports! I love football, I can get into baseball and hockey, and I used to play soccer, so it's one of those "bonded" things. By football, I do mean American Football...

I'm a college freshman at LSU (Louisiana State University. Geaux Tigers!). Currently, I'm a major in history, so I can go into pre-law or become a teacher. Told you guys it would change! *lol*

My favorite color is orange, though I like lots of bright colors. My favorite food is Italian food and McDonald's. I also like chips. And ice cream! I love ice cream!

I often stay up all night doing pointless things, such as create websites. LoL

I dislike a lot of things. I'm often very straightforward, and I dislike people who beat around the bush too much. I don't like to be lied to, though I don't know many people who do. I don't like having a lack of trust in a relationship. I don't like spinach. I don't like the color pink, though I'm getting used to it, as it's my best friend's favorite color. I don't like snakes. I hate snakes, actually. I don't like anything of the slimy, reptilian, amphibious sort (frogs, fish, lizards, you name it). I don't like fake people. I dislike ignorance. I don't like when I fail, though once again, I don't know too many people who do. I don't like when my friends are upset, and I can't help them. I hate hearing rumors about myself from other people... More than that, I hate when people hear rumors about me, and consult everyone and their brother before they think about asking me if there is any truth behind the rumores.I hate not knowing everything. And I, like most women, am never wrong!! *grin*
Click for the page of my favorite HP links

Click for pics of me

Pics of my Senior Prom

Heaven has enough angels. Send us ours back.

Embarrassing pics that Magi made me hunt down

Pics of dances through high school (will add more later)


Wedding Songs
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