Nano : Main
"Serket and Simurgh"
Created by Linknard
| December 10, 2004

.....Alright, so we've been pretty busy with HNMs. I want to thank everyone who have been showning up and making it possible for NanoFace. Our first attempt was at Serket. Despite the many competition, Grendel managed to win the pull for us, giving us the opportunity to defeat our first HNM. The battle started out smoothly with HP/MP very stable until Serket started to enrage and spam aoe. We were dropping like flies but we managed to pull a victory from out of our asses. =D Our next attempt was at Simurgh, only competition we had were the gilfarmers. Simurgh spawned right on top of Indred and surprisingly he won the pull bahaha. Indred died within seconds of winning pull but we kept claim and finished it. We did not get great drops that day but I'm very proud of everyone that showed up and helped. It was the initiative move into the world of HNM for most of our members and I'm glad you all had fun regardless of drops from the HNM.
December 8, 2004
-Server Maintenance today from
9-1pm pst. Please gather at 12pm pst in FFXI chat: NanoFaces password located in the members section of the Forum.

December 6, 2004
-We will be doing avatar battles for those who need them this week. Zilart missions is scheduled for Saturday. any questions or comments can be made at the forum. thanks
December 2, 2004,
-Please get acquainted! Welcome those members who joined today; Meshort, Hheather, Sagara, Valron, and Indred. It will be a <fun> journey!

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