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Welcome To Nano Roms!!!

This site is all about snes roms and snes emulators. We ONLY have quality roms NOT thousands of crap roms. I put alot of effort into this site and i'm uploading roms on a 56k so don't complain! If you don't know what a rom/emulator is. GO HERE. Thanks for your understanding. And also you would only find roms that are in the English language not in japaness. None of our links are broken, if you do find one please contact me HERE.


REMEMBER- Nano Roms value QUALITY over QUANTITY!!!

- Nano2K




I am sorry for not working on the site as schoolwork is keeping me real busy, also doing a few web designs for money is really tiring. Also I realised that most of my links are broken, which I suspect someone had reported me to geocities. I will try to fix ALL of the links by the end of this month. Also if you want to upload for Nano Roms you are more than welcome to. Thanks for listening.


Damn it has been so long since I last wrote something on this website! Im currently doing a professional web site and that is keeping me busy! Also I recently skipped a year to form 4 so extra studying for me. *sigh* life isn't fair, oh and I am getting a new server soon and when my web design skills get better I promise il work on the website. I will update on my website every 1 month so stay tuned1


Happy Chinese New Year to ALL chinese people!!! Please Read the following text, very important!

If anyone wants a song of the chinese new year, you can contact me by email. And no im not dead! Im still alive and kicking! I decided to open up the Nano Roms Forum again. Check it out here! Or if some idiots decide to say bad things about Nano Roms or me, plz help me :-).

Oh by the way I found a NEW temp admin for Nano Roms! His name is John (or is it Johnny :D). He should complete work on Nano Roms and all that stuff!

From your Faithful Roms lover Chen Luo! May Nano Roms be the best!

Urgent! I need a temporary admin for Nano Roms. Im too busy with life so I need someone to take over Nano Roms for a unknown time. You should be able to use HTML and have a passion for roms. To apply just email me here.


MERRY CHRISTMAS! Thanks for all the visitors to Nano Roms wish you all the best! Special thanks to Anna, Andy and Richard for your inspiration, I could not do the new Nano Roms without you.



About 16 days of school left!!! YAY!!!

I began a another new design of Nano Roms and its got to my best! So if you want to take a "sneak preview" of the new design of Nano Roms please download this zip file!


I recently secured some webspace but its far from enough! If anybody has a flat rate account with their isp eg. xtra, ihug. PLEASE EMAIL ME.


Work is progressing nicely on my new site ill hopefully get a sponsor!


Im hard at work with my new site so again no updates but ill include a link so visitors can view my new site thus ensuring im not bull shiting you! View the site HERE.


Im currently looking for REVIEWERS and UPLOADERS to join one of the fastest and the best SNES site in the world! You must have good english. To apply please email me HERE.


I finished the news posting cgi thing in the new layout so one less cgi script to go!


Its my birthday today! I fixed all the dead links and replaced it with a very fast server!!!!! I'll see how this server goes and see if my files will be deleted. Anyway im 50% finished with the new layout design so please people be patient.......


Ok I know that I havn't updated anything as of yet because im doing a new page layout with Nano Roms! Once I finish with the layout ill put the site on a Non-ad server! So stay tuned.....


I finally finished the forum! Just go to this link to give it a try! View the forum HERE.


I just want to say that nanoroms will be getting a new forum VERY VERY soon and best of all it is not with ezyboard its a ad free forum guaranteed!!

Get Nano Rom's old news HERE


Funny News

This column is for all the funny/interesting news I find while cruising the web.

Here is some VERY FUNNY movies I got:

  • BackStreet Boys
  • VoodooDick
  • Too Much Viagra
  • Timbukto
  • The Horny Doctor


    Emulation World
    Sega Rom Centre
    Your site HERE?


    Funny Tests

    3 Million Dollars for Five second Sex

    Boris Becker admitted yesterday that the romp he had with Russian model Angela Ermakova was over in five seconds. Daughter Anna was conceived during these five seconds. He has agreed to pay 3 million dollars for the child's upbringing. This liaison also had an effect on his marriage. He is now divorced from wife Barbara, the mother of his two sons.

    Worm Dies In Womans Brain

    A worm found it's way into the brain of Spanish woman Dawn Becerra after she ate a pork taco in Mexico three years ago. She began having seizures and was quite ill. Brain surgery was performed last week with Becerra awake the whole time. The parasite had died in her brain and that's what had done the damage to her brain tissue. Doctors needed her awake throughout the 6 hour surgery to ensure they didn't damage any vital areas. The operation was a success. Becerra is said to be doing remarkably well after the procedure and won't even need a check up for another six months.

    Armed Police Bust 11 Year Olds Birthday Party

    A group of fully armed police men in protective clothing have busted an 11 year old boys birthday party after it was reported he had fired a gun a the neighbours. Roland Hopper was cutting his cake when the police arrived. They questioned him for 2 hours before letting him go. His mother had brought him a pellet gun for his birthday and claims he was only shooting targets in the back yard, but the police said "there are certain procedures that must be followed" involving firearms.


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