So this is my NaNoWriMo soundtrack page! These are the songs I'm using, or could use, for a soundtrack. If any other NaNo writers want to contribute, go ahead! Email me at [email protected] with your recommended song uploaded (on a long lasting server; pretty much anything but sendspace), your personal review of the song (AKA, what kind of scene you could use it for, lyrics of the song, and/or the feel of the song), song title and artist, and your NaNo username for me to credit you, or for other visitors of the website to ask for a reupload. If you want to, you can also include the karaoke, or tell me if you have the karaoke so I can put a little next to the song, if people like the track but dislike hearing lyrics. If you also want to include your opinion on an artist, feel free to spin me an email.

Of course, this thing isn't always going to be used for just NaNo! Feel free to browse the contents of this page if you need mood music, or are just looking for something new to listen to! I'm sorry for the roughness of this page... I promise I'll do my best to get it all spiffy as soon as I can!! =D I'm busy with other things, but I'll try and always make time for this page!!

Tsuyunoinochi's (me) recommended songs:


.hack music is mostly instrumental, with a few vocal tracks ranging in opera tones and soft ballads. These songs are recommended for those who need soft, somewhat depressing or serene music. Some of the songs are also suited for a battle.


12012 is a Japanese heavy metal/rock band. I like to listen to a lot of their music in the case of an angry mood. They've also got a few nice ballads, and their rock songs aren't half bad either. Their lyric translations are, to say the least, extremely interesting. Some make no sense to me whatsoever, while others make me cry. It's entirely up to your own discretion.

Antic Cafe:

A Japanese oshare band. Their music is typically cute, and adorably so. They're good for summer scenes, or a happy scene in general.

Bonnie Pink:

Bonnie Pink is a Jpop artist. Her music, like most Jpop, is catchy and fun. Therefore, she is a fantastic summer-song artist.


Their music is mostly erotic rock, which is quite obviously made for erotic scenes. They make odd genres of music, most of which I can't particularly describe.

Death Note:

Death Note is a famous anime/movie/manga series that has begun to rage all over the world. The music is rather interesting, mostly finding its roots in mystery.

Duel Jewel:

Duel Jewel is an indie Japanese rock band. Their music is, for the most part, plain rock, but with an edge. Not all of it is for writers, but there are a few particular songs I enjoy from them.

Camui Gackt:

The most amazing artist there is. For those who aren't familiar with him, you should be! Gackt creates some of the most exquisite, most amazing, best writing music one could possibly find! From piano ballads to rock songs to hyper to depressed, he's got everything! His lyrics are also worth looking up. I use them quite plentifully as the chapter titles to my stories. He's amazing!
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