Naomi Sarah
  Born and raised in Minnesota, Naomi Sarah discovered her passion for music at a very young age. Naomi Sarah is also a published author, and wrote songs and poems from the time she was 6 years old. She discovered her gift for singing at the late age of sixteen, when she attended high school in Stillwater, MN. Her drive for fame and love of music pushed her to do her absolute best, despite a sudden period of stage fright. With 9 years of dance experience, theatre experience and writing finesse under her belt, Naomi Sarah continues her study of music under vocal instructor Jennifer Rueben while she pursues writing pop music on her own.

   Naomi Sarah's other areas of interest are strongly nestled in endangered species conservation. She raises exotic birds and is a Director for the Minnesota Companion Bird Association. Her close family includes her father (also a talented singer), her supportive husband Michael and a variety of pets.

   Naomi Sarah's personal beliefs are very open minded. Not committed to any particular religion, Naomi Sarah believes strongly in being open about her personal views. Religion, marital status, sexual orientation, social class or past experiences are no point of judgement for Naomi Sarah, as she believes each person is an individual and each person's individual experiences make that person unique, regardless of social standards.

   Naomi Sarah has a strong opinion about popular music: Singers are not made by money and fame, they are made by their passion for conveying a message, no matter how big or small, through music. She feels the pop scene is saturated with young singers who have no real desire to sing, but just desire for fame. Naomi Sarah is a refreshment among many young pop artists, as her desire is simply to sing her passion. With training from choral conductor Doctor Erik Christiansen and
Jennifer Rueben, Naomi Sarah's vocal qualities outweigh those of many current famous pop stars. Her dance and theatre training provide her with the tools needed to pursue her love of performing.

   Naomi Sarah's everyday interests include listening to music (of course), writing fiction and analytical articles, video games, cooking oriental dishes and shopping (of course again!) She enjoys spending quality time with her husband and studying the Latin language. Her favorite musical artists are the German group E Nomine and Christina Aguilera, and she is a fan of CSI and other suspense series'.

   Naomi Sarah also has strong feelings about young individuals with eating disorders. A former sufferer of eating disorders herself, Naomi Sarah wants to reach all young adults with a strong message about being yourself, not fitting a standard, and never being ashamed of who you are and what you may have done. Naomi Sarah's image is that of a very strong young woman, ready to take on the world!
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