Got some mouths to feed? :o�

Sorry for not updating this site in such a long time but I have been so busy with my studies and I am fixing to redesign this site and move it so I can use ASP in my design. Keep checking back to find out when the new site is up and running. but for now....... Welcome to my cookbook! I'm a 26 year old guy and I've been cooking since I was 7 years old and been doing it ever since. I enjoy cooking a good meal for supper and I thought I would share my recipes with you. I hope that you enjoy them as much as I have :o) I have redesigned my page with new graphics I created like the food graphics, header graphics and the interface below. So open your fridge or go shopping and get a whole bunch of groceries and then come back, pick up some of my recipes and fix something good to eat tonight. I hope you enjoy your visit here and be sure to check out my diabetic cookbook as well as my Japanese cookbook. I'm sure you will find at least one recipe on one of my cookbooks that you will like :o) And to find out more about me, click on the S on my interface below. And be sure to stop by and check out Shannon's Web Designs

Check out my homepage that I created for Gizmo, my Chinese Pug :o)

Need some graphics designed? Or maybe a whole new web page? Then check out....

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people have viewed and enjoyed Shannon's Cookbook
And believe it or not, they didn't gain one ounce while doing it :o)

Created by:
Shannon Howell
Last Updated On:

I created all header graphics, interface graphics and food graphics. All header graphics, interface graphics and food graphics are copyright � 1999, 2000 Shannon Howell. All rights reserved.

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