Winfield 30 Campground Schedule

All times and locations are tentative based upon previous schedules.
Land Rush
8:00 AM The beginning of the Land Rush (but not the beginning of the fun - some people have been camping a week already)
7 September
Picnic Saturday
08:00-11:30 AM
(Or until sold out)
Walnut Valley Farmers' Market. Fresh produce, baked goods, crafts, specialty products, and live music.
12:30-10:30 PM The Great Plains Dulcimer Alliance Winfield Warm-up Picnic
Homecoming Sunday
10 or 10:30 AM Grier-Swift et al�hymn sing
10 September
7:00PMFestival legends Spontaneous Combustion
CornerBank Winfield
$10 -- $2 off with wristband
11 September
08:00-10:00PMFolk Song Sing-Along - Llama Camp is planned to be about 50 yards West of the entrance ticket booth. Words and chords to about 50 songs will be available with enough copies with sharing for 50 singers. Instrument players to accompany the singers are welcome. If you have the song book, "Rise Up Singing" please bring it Musicians to accompany the singers are welcome.�
Parade Wednesday
9:30 AMDeadline for entries for the Band Scramble (see below)
12:00 NBand Scramble drawing
1:00 PM
The Carp Camp parade.
Riverats  Band Scramble
6:30 PMChocolate Party
Festival Thursday
14 September
5:00 PM Happy Campers�Chili Cookoff
  1. Entry must be there by 5:00pm.
  2. Entry must feed 10 people.
  3. Chili must be simmered over an open fire.
  4. Entry must provide serving spoon.
  5. Entry must have a sign showing which campsite it is representing.
  6. No roadkill chili allowed.
Prizes awarded for best chili and best sign.
15 September
08:00-11:30 AM
(Or until sold out)
Walnut Valley Farmers' Market. Fresh produce, baked goods, crafts, specialty products, and live music.
11:00 AMRiverats�Costume Party
(Details to be provided prior to festival.)
Winfield Sunday

For the (planned) location of the these events, see the Virtual Winfield�page.

To add an event to this schedule

Either send an e-mail with the day, time, and description of the event to Paul Kislanko,
create a page describing the event on your camp home page�and send a note to Paul Kislanko�or Don Shorock�with the link's URL,
Or promote the event on Winfield-L

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