Kewl MSN Names
Feel Free to use ne of these....
A wise man once said "I dunno go ask a Women!"

If you can't say something funny about someone don't say anything at all.

Ok, ok, ok I understand....wait what?!

If they say T.V's so bad for you why do the have one in every hostpital room?

Two words guys hate ~ don't and stop, unless you put them together

Be yourself, it makes me look better

I tried to see things from your point of view but i couldn't stick my head that far up my ass!

Hey look on the bright side...everyone hates u as much as I do! ;)

He broke my heart, he shatered the glass, so when he comes crawling back I'll say "honey kiss my ass!"

Could you look me in the eye and tell me that your happy now?

There's a light at the end of every tunnel...Just hope it's not a train

I tried snorting coke one but the ice cubes got stuck in my nose.

I'm not short!...I'm just vertically challenged

Men are like mascara, they run @ the first sight of emotion

Twas trhe night before christmas and all through the house, everyone was high, even the mouse!

A robber runs into a bank and says "hand up mother stickers this is a fuck up!"

Smartness runs in my family, when i went to skewl my teacher was in my class for five years!

No boi can resitst this bitch!!!

I won him fair and square, He'z mine & I don't share!

With a taste of poison paradise I'm addicted to u don't u know that ur toxic

(k)I'm too sexi for u(k)

Jus cuz u make me go uoh dont mean i'm leavin wit u

(*)they say it's great, they say it's fine...9 months later "it's not mine!"(*)

wanna sex wanna ride wit u wanna kiss wanna put my lips all over u

Baby boi u stay on my mind, baby boi u r so damn fine

cute, single and very sexy..apply within ;)

How come the best days of ur life happen when ur too dunk to remember them?!?!

all a grrl need is the three "b's"
Boi's, Bikinnies & Booze!!

I see you baby, shakin that ass!

You can do it put ur back into it!

I wanna lick u from ur head to ur toes, and i wanna move from the bed down to the floor!

I'm a grrl..ur a guy...need ne more clues?!?!

If u got it..Flaunt it!! :P

In some cultrues what I do is normal! *-)

Life's not a garden so stop bein a ho! :@


I wanna be barbie..that bitch has everything!! :O

Did u know by reading this u just wasted five seconds of ur life!! *-)

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