
Jellum J�rgensen - 12/23/00 16:15:43
My URL:http://[email protected]
Ville: H�rsholm, Danmark.

K�re Natalie & Dany, Vores varmeste lyk�nskninger i anledning af Jeres bryllup. Hvor er I smukke! Vi �nsker Jer alt det bedste i fremtiden. De k�rligste hilsener, Gitte, Erik, Trine, Jeppe & Jakob.

Mayumi Anahara - 12/23/00 04:43:17
My URL:[email protected]

Dear natalie Do you remember me? I knew this home-page by a letter from Mr. Takei. Happy Wedding! We had a daughter last December. Her name is Yuki. Today is her frist birthday. I hope you will have pretty baby soon. Your husband are very handsome. Sincery Mayumi

Annika - 12/18/00 17:36:49
My URL:http://[email protected]

Hello! i am Anettes cousin from Sweden. My names is Annika,do you rember me? Many gratulations from Annika and the Boys

Sophie & Patrick - 11/25/00 19:05:19
Ville: Gatineau

Bonjour Natalie & Dany, WOW !!! Votre page web est vraiment r�ussie, nous sommes impressionn�s. Nous irons vous visiter bient�t, s�rement apr�s les F�tes. Nous vous souhaitons tout le bonheur du monde, vous �tes un couple vraiment charmant!!! Natalie n'oublie ton acide folique e tes vitamines, cela fera un beau b�b� (ou deux)!!! Il faudrait s'organiser un souper sous peu. � + Sophie, Patrick, Jo�l & Alexandre xoxo

Heather Eagen - 11/12/00 12:23:16
Ville: Ottawa

I'm a friend of your Mother. I was with your Mom the night she met your Dad. My wishes for you: "May the road rise up to meet you, and The wind be at your back" Best wishes, Phil and Heather Eagen

Savita - 10/29/00 18:09:49
My URL:[email protected]
Ville: Nepean

Great pictures. You look very happy. Enjoy your married life....... Savita

Savita - 10/29/00 18:07:24
My URL:[email protected]
Ville: nepean


Fina - 10/29/00 16:29:12
My URL:http://[email protected]
Ville: Sk�lsk�r ,Denmark

Anette M. just told me a lot abaut your wedding and it looks like it was a wonderful day . Say hej to Lise og Edgar and every body I know my best wishes Fina...

Jean R. Larivi�re - 10/25/00 23:36:37
My URL:http://[email protected]
Ville: Russia

Salut Dany et Natalie... Tr�s belles photos...c'est donc de valeur que la mienne n'y est pas! Bienvenue hors de l'�puisette et dans le bateau avec tous les autres hommes mari�s mon cher Dany! De toute fa�on, je suis content que n'as pas �cout� mon conseil car cela nous fait une a tre �paule dans le club pour pleurer dessus! S�rieusement, Nicole et moi vous souhaitons beaucoup de bonheur et plusieurs enfants!

Jean R. Larivi�re - 10/25/00 23:35:52
My URL:http://[email protected]
Ville: Russia

Salut Dany et Natalie... Tr�s belles photos...c'est donc de valeur que la mienne n'y est pas! Bienvenue hors de l'�puisette et dans le bateau avec tous les autres hommes mari�s mon cher Dany! De toute fa�on, je suis content que n'as pas �cout� mon conseil car cela nous fait une a tre �paule dans le club pour pleurer dessus! S�rieusement, Nicole et moi vous souhaitons beaucoup de bonheur et plusieurs enfants!

Stephen Davidson - 10/25/00 22:20:23
My URL:[email protected]
My Email:
Ville: Dallas, Tx


G�rard & Anette - 10/25/00 13:52:21
Ville: Lac Fortier, St-Jovite

Natalie and Dany: Your fairytale wedding was indeed a magical event. Beautiful Bride! Handsome Groom! Your romantic wedding remains a day captured in the hearts of so many. May your new life together continue to have all the special blessings that life ha to offer. Soyez toujours heureux!

Ginette Moreau-Charron - 10/25/00 01:55:39
My URL:http://[email protected]
Ville: Hull, Qu�bec

Voici de Sinc�res F�licitations et des voeux de Bonheur de la part du personnel de l'�cole secondaire de l'�le. Merci de nous avoir fait partager ce beau jour - vous �tes superbes ! Ginette.

Erika Tafel - 10/24/00 01:35:04
My URL:http://[email protected]
Ville: Vancouver

Natalie & Dany, Just want to tell you both how happy I am for you and wish you years of happiness. All the very best. Erika

Tania Sheridan - 10/23/00 21:46:25
Ville: Garson

Beautiful pictures. You both look great!

Louise et Francois - 10/23/00 17:59:44
My URL:http://[email protected]
Ville: Sudbury

Encore une fois, f�licitations pour votre site web. Tr�s belles�ressant!!! Au plaisir de vous voir bient�t... Louise et Francois

Denis & Barbara Hebert - 10/23/00 17:45:52
My URL:http://[email protected]
Ville: Gatineau

What a great idea, having the pictures on the net for all of us to see! Wedding couple and proud parents look so happy. Thanks for letting us share this day with you.

Melanie Sheridan - 10/23/00 16:19:55
My URL:[email protected]
Ville: Garson

WOW! You both look great! You made a beautiful bride Natalie and you have a hansdome husband! All the best to you both. Love, Melanie,Tyler&Brittnee xox

Chantal Kingsbury - 10/23/00 16:11:56
My URL:[email protected]
Ville: Gatineau

Felicitations!!!!!! Great pictures, you guys look so happy!!! Natalie the dress, well its you, simple and a classic!!! Very beautifull!! Dany very handsome in that tux!! I wish the world to you guys!!! I was thinking of you on your wedding day. Let e know when the bondle of joy is here OK!!!!! Miss you lots, take care ;o))

Martin et Melissa - 10/23/00 14:33:56
My URL:http://[email protected]
Ville: Gatineau

Hey love birds! F�licitation! Vous avez eu une noce tr�s bien r�ussi et vous avez une page web extraordinaire! Nous vous souhaitons beaucoup de bohneur et de b�b�s! On vous aime fort! xoxo Melissa et Martin

Ida Davis - 10/23/00 12:39:05
My URL:http://[email protected]
Ville: Nepean

Wonderful photos! I've been waiting eagerly to see pictures from your wedding and they are every bit as great as the whole wedding....All a very memorable occasion that will stay with us forever! Thank you again for allowing us to be part of it! Merci

Ann & Bertrand - 10/23/00 04:32:55
My URL:[email protected]
Ville: Geilenkirchen

Nous sommes d�sol�s de n`avoir pu �tre � votre mariage. Mais au moins avec de si belles photos, ca nous donne un go�t de ce qu`a pu �tre cette belle c�l�bratrion. Nos meilleurs voeux de bonheur et esp�rons bien vous voir lorsque nous irons au Canada au mo s de juin prochain.

Thea Risager. - 10/22/00 15:24:47
My URL:[email protected]
Ville: Ordrup, Danmark.

Smukke billeder fra et smukt bryllup. Tillykke til jer allesammen fra Danmark. K�rlig hilsen Birthe og Thea Risager.

Thea Risager. - 10/22/00 15:23:54
My URL:[email protected]
Ville: Ordrup, Danmark.

S0mukke billeder fra et smukt bryllup. Tillykke til jer allesammen fra Danmark. K�rlig hilsen Birthe og Thea Risager.

Thea Risager. - 10/22/00 15:23:13
My URL:[email protected]
Ville: Ordrup, Danmark.

mukke billeder fra et smukt bryllup. Tillykke til jer allesammen fra Danmark. Birthe og Thea Risager.

Claude Lapointe - 10/18/00 22:17:14
My URL:[email protected]
Ville: Charlesbourg, Qc

Quelques jours apr�s votre mariage, nous sommes all�s au Domaine Mackenzie-King. Votre choix d'endroit pour les photos a �t� tr�s judicieux. J'ai h�te de voir les photos du mariage.

singhb - 10/16/00 17:37:44
Ville: ottawa

Great Photo, Congratulations to happy couple and proud parents. My Best Wishes to happy couple.

Edith and Debbie - 10/16/00 03:57:57
Ville: Cincinnati/Milwaukee

Dear Natalie and Danny Congratulations on your wedding!! We wish you a life time of joy and happiness. We look forward to meeting Danny some day and Natalie we hope that we all get to see you soon. With our love to you and your family, Edith and Debbie and family

Marie-Andr�e - 10/14/00 17:03:22
My URL:http://[email protected]
Ville: St-Bruno

F�licitations pour votre mariage et merci pour les belles photos que nous voyons sur votre site. Nous �tions tr�s d�cus de ne pouvoir aller � votre mariage mais nous y �tions en pens�e. Gr�ce � votre site, nous pourrons voir de belles photos tout en esse ant d'imaginer ce que vous avez pu dire et penser pendant cette merveilleuse journ�e. Marie-Andr�e, Jean-Charles, Fr�d�ric et M�lanie

jennifer prince - 10/09/00 12:52:24
My URL:http://[email protected]
Ville: hull

All the best in your new life together! Love, Jennifer

- 10/08/00 21:39:54


Alena Prosecova - 10/06/00 08:42:39
My URL:http://[email protected]
Ville: Prague, Czech Republic

Be happy! Vsechno nejlepsi a hodne stesti do spolecneho zivota, meilleurs voeux, je pense a vous, beaucoup de bonheur, vive le Canada et vive vous. And what about a honeymoon in Prague? Mejte se radi, love and amitie, Alena

Birgit Nielsen - 10/06/00 01:07:40

Det var fint klaret.

Fina Stigfeldt - 10/05/00 15:23:33
My URL:http://[email protected]
Ville: Sk�lsk�r Denmark

All the best wishes for the future from one who has been married in 35 years!!!! and may your future bee as happy as mine good luck from Fina

Alix Furness - 10/05/00 14:52:38
Ville: Nitra, Slovak Republic

Congratulations to the both of you! It's been forever since I've seen Natalie - but I don't remember ever seeing her look so happy. Have a wonderful day - hopefully I will see you guys in the future! As they say in Slovakia - vsetko najlepsie!!!

Jaclyne Campeau - 10/04/00 21:46:41
My URL:http://[email protected]
Ville: Gatineau

Merci pour me permettre de participer virtuellement � votre union. C'est une id�e superbe cette page WEB. Tr�s bien r�ussi! Bravo et beaucoup de bonheur ensemble pour le reste de votre vie.

Deborah Dunton - 10/04/00 20:37:34
My URL:[email protected]
Ville: Ottawa

Dear Nathalie, What beautiful pictures! You both look so happy. All the best for the big day and beyond. Deborah Dunton (One of your mother's friends at work. She certainly deserves to be so proud of you!)

Family In Sweden - 10/04/00 19:15:35
My URL:[email protected]
My Email:
Ville: Ur�sa

We just want to wish you good luck on your wedding day. We all hope it will be a wonderfull day. And are very curios to hear all the details. Natalies family in Sweden throug Helena.

Chantal Kingsbury - 10/04/00 13:01:55
My URL:[email protected]
Ville: Gatineau

Hey Hey Hey!!!!! Congradulations!!!! I'm so happy for you guys!!! You deserve all the happeness in the world!! I'll be thinking of you on your wedding day, I'm sure that all will go perfectly!!!! And I will be waiting for the pictures. All the best to you both!!! I miss you :( Chantal

LINE , RICHARD ET LES ENFANTS - 10/02/00 21:09:12
My URL:[email protected]


Nicole Coulombe - 10/02/00 15:40:33
My URL:http://[email protected]
Ville: Hull

Excellente id�e que ces photographies sur le web. Merci Annete de me les avoir fait parvenir. Meilleurs voeux de bonheur aux fururs �poux.

Ysabelle Perreault - 09/30/00 18:01:42
My URL:http://[email protected]
Ville: Whitehorse Yukon

Salut, votre page est tres belle. Je suis decu de ne pas etre des festivites (surtout que cest moi qui vous ai presente), mais vous allez etre dans mes penses. Have the most wonderful day.

Gail Prince - 09/28/00 14:58:25
Ville: Quyon - PQ

Heh guys! Looks great! I'm very impressed and can't wait to view the wedding pictures. Richard and I will be at the wedding of course - to join in the celebration! The sun will shine, I just know it! XOXO

Francoise Fillion - 09/28/00 13:56:18
Ville: GAtineau

Tres beau, magnifico, nous avons tr�s h�te au 7 octobre. Il ne vous manque plus qu'un petit papou.

Tania - 09/28/00 04:03:43
Ville: Garson

Hey looking forward to the wedding! And seeing your gorgeous dress Natalie!! See ya soon!

Jonathan - 09/26/00 19:36:59
My URL:[email protected]
Ville: Hull

Bonne chance et profite bien de la vie avec ta nouvelle femme. Je te souhaite beaucoup de bonheur et de prosperite (tout depend du nombre d'enfants que tu aura) Jon

Melanie Sheridan - 09/26/00 18:06:45
My URL:[email protected]
Ville: Garson

Very CUTE pictures! See ya soon! Love, Mealnie xox

Tina Ziegler - 09/26/00 16:42:19
My URL:http://[email protected]
Ville: Ottawa

Quite the hollywood couple! You guys look so happy. I am so happy for you both! REALLY looking forward to party into the night on your BIG day! Love Tina

G�rard&Anette Legault - 09/26/00 15:21:34
Ville: Ottawa

Countdown: 10 Days! F�licitations! Web Site: Phenomenal. Photographer: Superb! La vie � deux il n'y a rien de mieux! Forgive me for forwarding your beautiful photographs all over the world...mais, c'�tait plus fort que mois. Nous sommes tellement fiers de vous deux...en plus, the Mother-of-the-Bride is allowed to brag a little. Happiness Always! Bonheur pour toujours!

jr larivi�re - 09/25/00 23:01:56
My URL:[email protected]
Ville: Gatineau

Salut Dany! What's that lump in the bottom part of your shirt? I guess you must be getting close to thirty! Happy to see you finally found someone to clean up after you...hope you told her how messy you are or does she know it already? Tu seras heureux d'apprendre que je serai � la r�ception avec Nicole pour rire de toi un peu! Ta future semble charmante...tu devras me dire comment tu as fais pour la convaincre de t'�pouser. Je n'ai pas assez d'argent pour t'acheter un cadeau de noces m is je vais te donner un conseil gratuit qui provient d'un homme mari� depuis 18 ans d�j�.... RUN DANY RUN BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE! AND DON'T LOOK BACK!!!!!!! Bonne chance � vous deux et beaucoup de bonheur! Jean & Nicole

MOM ET POPS - 09/25/00 21:45:28

Votre site est superbe. Ton p�re veut informer les amis et membres de la famille B�rub� afin qu'ils puissent voir ces belles photos. F�licitations pour votre site - la journ�e fatidique approche � grand pas. On voit sur votre image que le bonheur se li sur vos photos.

Marlene Luscombe - 09/25/00 21:13:52
My URL:http://[email protected]
Ville: Bowmanville

Hi Anette - thanks for sharing - this is a fabulous idea. Natalie...May your joys be as bright as the morning; your hours of happiness as numerous as the stars; and you sorrows be but shadows that vanish in the sunlight of your love. All the best on October 7th. Marlene (dear friend of your Aunt Tina - that remembers you in diapers !!)

Nancy Valentine - 09/25/00 20:55:14
My URL:http://[email protected]
Ville: Gatineau

Anette, Thank you so much for this wonderful opportunity to share in your happy moment. What a terrific idea. My best wishes to the bride and groom and enjoy this very special day.

Pauline - 09/25/00 13:55:46
My URL:[email protected]
Ville: Gatineau

Wow, une super bonne id�e ce site. Je trouve �a tr�s original et diff�rent. Bravo � vous deux et beaucoup de bonheur dans vos projets 8o)))

Lise L�pine - 09/24/00 23:42:46
My URL:http://[email protected]
Ville: Gatineau

Belles photos, tr�s beau site; beaucoup de bonheur. J'ai tr�s h�te de voir vos photos.

Julie Hebert - 09/23/00 22:45:29
My URL:[email protected]
Ville: Montreal

Hi Natalie, So sorry I won't be able to make it to the evening party :-( but I am looking forward to seeing your beautiful pictures on this site ! Have fun ! Julie (and Robbie and Savannah)

Denis , Barbara & Julie Hebert - 09/23/00 22:41:56
My URL:http://[email protected]
Ville: Gatineau

Really nice pictures, hope the weather on your wedding day is as nice as when you had these photos. Looking forward to the big event! See you soon. Barb & Denis

Sharon Oikawa - 09/23/00 19:48:09
Ville: Ottawa

Anette, What a grand idea! And what great pictures! I'm looking forward to seeing the wedding ones here as well. Although we've no children, we've plenty of nieces and nephews and this idea would be well received by many of them. Thanks! Teiji and I wish Natalie and Dany all the best in the years ahead and anticipate that they will have as many happy years as have had Natalie's mom and dad. Love, Sharon

Nanni & Mads - 09/23/00 16:49:02
My URL:[email protected]
Ville: Odense

hi congratulations on your wedding. we think of you and wish we could be with you on the big day. give our love to everybody we know, take care and enjoy your party. love Mads & Nanni

Eric Lafleur - 09/23/00 03:05:37
Ville: gatineau

Hey there! This is GREAT!!!! I am going to send it to my sister Amy so that she can take a look at your photos!!! Love ya both!!! cs

michel - 09/22/00 22:46:47
My URL:michel_lafleur
Ville: gatineau

bravo,l'expression developpe les attributs cumulatifs de la performance et l'evaluation perfectionne les concepts cummulatifs du groupe

Heather Eagen - 09/22/00 21:59:52
My URL:http://[email protected]
My Email:n/a
Ville: Ottawa

Thanks, Anette for sharing these photos with Sandy and I. I wish Nathalie and Dany every happiness. Remember Anette 29 years ago on October 9th, Phil and I were married. I hope your daughter will be as happy as we have been! Much love!

- 09/22/00 18:10:03


Erik & Margaret Hansen - 09/22/00 13:20:20
My URL:http://[email protected]
Ville: Manotick

Congratulations and Best Wishes to you Both and ofcourse the extended family. Hard to beleive that Anette has a daughter 29 years of age. time has gone too quick to fathom that. Be Happy and Good to Each Other! Best of Luck!

Ida - 09/22/00 12:42:08
My URL:http://[email protected]
Ville: Ottawa

FANTASTIC!.... What a great idea, I love being part of the countdown to the BIG DAY! Thank You. We are so happy for you! Congratulations! Felicitation a l'heureux couple! Tillykke til Natalie & Danny!

Heather Tzakis - 09/22/00 12:02:58
My URL:http://[email protected]
Ville: Greece via Kemptville

F�licitation � l'heureux couple. Mes meilleurs voeux � leur parents, et en particulier � ma bonne amie Anette Heather

Deborah Spiess - 09/22/00 07:58:57
My URL:[email protected]
Ville: Madrid

Congratulations to Natalie & Dany, and also to the very proud parents!! I wish you a wonderful day for your wedding, but even if it's overcast, I'm sure the sun will be shining in your hearts! Anette, thank you for letting me be a part of this very spec al occasion. Much�simo cari�o, Deborah

Sharon Hampson - 09/22/00 05:49:23
Ville: Nairobi, Kenya

The pictures are lovely and the idea of a Web page terrific. Thanks for the opportunity to see them.

louise et francois - 09/22/00 04:18:06
My URL:[email protected]

Annette, Felicitations! Tres bien fait...Bien hate de voir les photos du mariage. Il faudra nous aviser. Au plaisir de vous rencontrer dans 2 semaines.

Genevieve Legault - 09/22/00 02:47:13
Ville: gatineau

adresse email : [email protected]

Louise Brunet - 09/22/00 01:47:14
My URL:[email protected]
Ville: Singapore

Congratulations to the happy couple and to the proud parents!! F�licitations de Singapore.

Joe and Katherine - 09/22/00 00:55:42
My URL:[email protected]

Great photos! Good luck moving next week. See you soon. We love you!!!

Melissa et Martin - 09/21/00 18:23:17
Ville: Gatineau

I want one !!!C'est pas mal beau!

Nathalie - 09/21/00 18:05:24
Ville: Gatineau

That's really cool guys!! who designed the page? I think it's great! talk to you soon :)

Carol Siringnano - 09/21/00 17:57:23
My URL:[email protected]
Ville: Silver Spring, MD

Hey there! This is GREAT!!!! I am going to send it to my sister Amy so that she can take a look at your photos!!! Love ya both!!! cs

Denis - 09/21/00 01:17:32
My URL:[email protected]
My Email:
Ville: Rimouski, Qu�bec

Wow!!! J'ai honneur d'�tre le premier � sign� le Guestbook. Tr�s belle photos sur cette page. Qui est le photographe?

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