Presentation & Report
Week 1
Concentrate on researching Ergonomic issues related to the office environment.  Consider equipment and why they are needed.  Consider the legislation that exists concerning Health and Safety on the office.  Can you find a diagram for the expect area needed for an office worker.  Are there any table concerning the days lost to RSI or related injuries.  Mention what RSI is and how it can be reduced.

Consider also the character of the presentation that you will give.  Consider the backgrounds, transitions, images and animations that you will use.  A simple word processed draft would be useful.
Week 2
This week concentrate on the security of information.  How are files backed up, what systems should be in place to protect data within the organisation.  Remember also the internet, intranet issues.

The Data Protection Act needs to be mentioned.  What is is set up to protect.  What are the Laws that protect the mis-use of data.  Does an organisation need to have a policy on the DPA and mis-use of data.  What about Copyright?
Week 3

This is where it all comes together.

The report is in two parts.  The first considers all the elements of the safe working office.  Consider your report at the 'blue-print' for the organisations policy on the safe woring office.  Consider the breaks, lighting, heating, furniture etc.

The second part is concerned with the protection of data within the organisations and the Laws protecting data from misuse.
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