Streynham Leisure
Assignment Activity
You should have received the Case Study from your lecturer.  You will have read through the material .  Remember to do this on a regular basis as this will ensure you will have all the fact in memory and not waste time looking through the work later.

You will have produced a rough copy of the organisational chart.  Then when you are sure of the structure you will have produced it on the computer.

Remember that there is a 'house style' for presenting your work.  for this piece make sure your name and a title are added.  DO NOT write them in.

This week you will be concentrating on the production of an Information Flow Chart.

Write a description of the activities of each department in the Leisure Centre.  Concentrate on the work that each does and the responsibilities each has to the running of the Leisure Centre.

Look at the example sheet given out in your first theory lesson.  It shows an example information flow chart.  Look at the way the departments are shown as simple blocks.  Look at the way the flow of information is shown by the direction arrows.  Look also at the type of information that is written along the direction arrow.

This is a complex diagram.  You will need to know the organisation in detail to answer this.  Then you will have the difficult task to fit all the information flows on the chart.  Remember to think of a simple design.

Do not forget the outside agencies.

This weeks activities are based around the construction and completion of a membership booking form for the leisure centre.

Use rough paper to draft the booking form. In the lesson discuss the wants and needs of a membership booking form.  Use the case study for further information.

Possibly, this booking form will be sent out with promotional materials to interested clients.  If the booking form was attractive, would that be a method of attracting the prospective client to complete the form?

Create the finished booking form and print it out.

You have already produced the information flow chart for the organisation.  Use the processing of the membership form to explain how the staff will process the booking form.  Remember this is a Pass criterial, so the emphasis is on "simple".  Name the staff who may handle the information on the form.  If you cannot name individuals, then describe their role or function in the department.

Here we begin the difficult stuff.

Use the three bullet points on your assignment sheet to seperate your work load.

The first two are related.  Firstly, state how the account department use applications.  Is there information in the case study to suggest what is used?  How would an Account department use applications - perhaps some research is required.  Try the library? What applications are available? How would the accounts department make use of them.

Now, with all that knowledge available use your membership booking form and explain "in detail" how its construction will aid the input and processing of the information.  Consider the way that the eye tracks from the paper to the screen.  Perhaps this is where most of the problems occur?

Use the information flow diagram to help you with this answer.  I know the diagram is complicated, it was designed that way.  Communication in organisations is most important, you often do not appreciate how complex it is; you will now!

Follow the membership booking form as it 'travels' between the departments.  There are points that "trigger" a reaction from certain departments.  Consider these and discuss them in your response.

Week 5 & 6
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