Bollux, who was originally named BLX-5, was a one hundred year old labor droid, and was activated at the Fondor Shipyards. Lucky enough to avoid any memory wipes in his life, he was able to form a complex personality. Over time, BLX-5 became obsolete, and found his way into the ownership of outlaw technician, "Doc", who had a secret base on an asteroid in the corporate sector. They made many upgrades, in an attempt to make him more modern, and being that it had been a difficult and tedious attempt, they re-named him Bollux. In Doc's possesion, was another, smaller droid. It was a very complex computer system, a small cube that was able to store more information than most starships. Doc reprogrammed it with a new personality, chipper, talkative, and childishly percocious. The computer got its name because it was colored blue, and since it was able to hold so much information, he named it Blue Max. Though despite its power, it was completely immobile, so Doc installed it into the chest cavity of Bollux. The two personalities of the droids worked well with each other. The two could work seperately, but were usually linked, as a symbiotic relationship. Bollux and Blue Max first encountered Han Solo, and Chewbacca, when Doc turned up missing. Doc's daughter, Jessa, had hired Solo to find him and sent the two droids along with him to help. Bollux and Blue Max stayed with Solo and Chewie for three different missions, thier partnerships ending when they had found the outdated, worthless treasure in the vaults of Xim the Despot. A Ruurian, a wool covered moth-like alien who was with them, offered the two droids' positions of employment at a University on his planet, they accepted, and that was the last that was heared about them.
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