Borsk Fey'lya is a typically Bothan ambitious and power hungry. His race comes from the planet Bothawui, but Fey'lya himself, grew up at the colony of Kothlis. Bothans are short, furry humanoids, who not only comunicate vocally, but also with their fur, witch ripples and moves when the are emotional. Usually only Bothans truely know what is being said. Just after the battle of Yavin, Fey'lya and his factions of troops joined the alliance, about the same time as Ackbar and the Mon Calamari. The Bothans and the Mon Calamari didn't get along very well and Fey'lya constantly plotted against Ackbar for power. Four years after the battle of Yavin, Fey'lya discovered that the Empire was building a seconed Death Star on Endor. Six years after the battle of Endor Fey'lya was able to frame Ackbar in a plot of treason. Ackbar was soon cleared, with the help of Ghent who was working for Tolan Karrde. Ghent was a computer expert and was able to prove Ackbar was indeed inocent, at the same time, prooving that Fey'lya did it. During all this Fey'lya was secretly aiding the Rouge Rebel leader, Garm Bel Iblis. During the attempt to recover the lost Kantana fleet, Fey'lya ordered the retreat of the escort frigate Quenfis, when the Empire showed up, leaving some alliance hero's behind. Leia and Tolan Karrde were able to expose Fey'lya and his total disregard to dis commrades in the Rebellion. Fey'lya was under arrest and taken to Coruscant for trial. Fey'lya stayed in his place in the government but lost alot of respect he ounce had. During Princess Leia Organa Solo's reign as Chief of State Fey'lya served as the chairman of the Justice Council. After the treaty with the remnants of the Empire for peace Fey'lya became Chief of State. During the Yuuzhan Vong invasion Fey'lya ignored Leia's pleas to fight against the Vong. As the Vong's invasion progressed they gave the fledgling New Republic an offer. Give the Vong all the Jedi and the Republic would be spared. At first Fey'lya went along with the offer, but soon realized the Vong would never follow through. Soon the Vong invasion reached the capital world of Coruscant. Rather than retreat in fear Fey'lya staps a proton bomb to detonate when his heartbeat stops and allows himself to be captured. When Vong ground troops entered the Imperial Palace Fey'lya demanded to speak with war master Tsavong Lah. They refused and stabed him with a poisoned amphistaff. Soon the poison does its work. Fey'lya's heart stops, and the Imperial Palace explodes along with many Vong troops.
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