Captain Gilad Pellaeon served in the Imperial Navy for over fifty years. He graduated on the top of his class and was promoted to captain. He commaded the crew on the star destroyer, called the Chimeara. During the peak of the Empire Pellaeon was second in command of the Chimeara which made trips to Kasyyyk where the crew enslaved the Wookies that lived on Kasyyyk. During the attack on the second Death Star, Pellaeon was forced to take control of the Chimeara when his captain died. Realizing that the Emperor and Darth Vader were dead, Pellaeon organised a retreat for the remaining Imperial Fleet. After the destruction of the second Death Star Pellaeon had little hope for the Empire, but along came one of the last surviving twelve Grand Admiral's named Grand Admiral Thrawn. Thrawn was a brilliant commander and almost defeated the New Republic but, he was killed by his body guard Ruhk. Pellaeon again retreated and later joined forces with another Imperial general named Admiral Daala. They were both defeated and Daala almost died in their attempt to destroyed Luke Skywalker's Jedi Academy.
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