Little is known about Admiral Daala's origin and life before she entered the Imperial Navy at Charida own of the hardest schools in the Galaxy. Daala went to the navy with Grand Moff Tarkin's daughter Thryra. they were close friends and they both passed the navy's hard training but Daala was ignored because of the predjiduce of women in the Empire. She saw less trained men get promotions over her so she decided to get noticed. Daala created a pseudonym and displayed her radical ideas on the Imperial Holo Net. Grand moff Tarkin saw her talents. Tarkin went to Daala and was surpised she was a women the two eventuley fell in love. Tarkin made Daala the admiral of the secret Maw Installation. She was incharge of four Star Destoyers. Not even the Emperoe knew of the installation because Tarkin made the installation and Daala a secret Tarkin said to stay and protect the scientists so they can make more evil super weapons. eleven years later Han Solo and Chewbacca found the installation and were captured, they eccaped on the Sun Crusher. Daala took her fleet to seek revenge on the Rebels for killing Tarkin and attacked Mon Calmari but the attack failed. She was presumed dead for several years. A few years later Daala joined forces with Captain Pellaeen in an attempt to destroy Luke's Jedi Academy with her black Super Star Destroyer's. The Jedi trainees destroyed the ship and Daala escaped on an escape pod. A few years later Daala found her true love and is now fighting for the cause of peace.
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