A legendary Corellian who sat on the Old Republic's Senate, Garm Bel Iblis was as charismatic as Senator Palpatine, but not as devious. As Bel Iblis watched, Palaptine quickly took over the Senate and the Old Republic. When the New Order was established, Palpatine sought out Iblis on Anchoron and murdered his family, although Iblis found a way to escape before they could kill him. He made contact with Bail Organa and Mon Mothman, and was influential in organizing the Rebellion and creating the Corellian Treaty. However, when Mon Mothma's charismatic personality began to take over the growing Alliance, Bel Iblis felt she was becoming too strong, and left the Alliance to fight the Empire on his own. He has led a group of freedom fighters, striking against the Empire from a number of hidden bases. Among his compatriots, he is known as the Commander. Bel Iblis continued to stab at the Empire following the Battle of Endor, although he turned his attention to the New Republic. His prejudice against Mon Mothma told him that she would soon make the Republic a dictatorship. Following a successful attack on a Ubiqtorate base on Tangrene, Bel Iblis met up with Borsk Fey'lya, who set him up with a covert supply line in hopes that he could sway Bel Iblis to rejoin the New Republic as one of his supporters. He was later discovered by Han Solo and Lando Calrissian, and he was drawn into the New Republic. He reluctantly decided to help the Republic recover the Katana fleet, and later made a peace with Mon Mothma and joined the New Republic.
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