A native of Coruscant, Ysanne was born to Imperial service. She was the daughter of Emperor Palpatine's last Internal Security Director. She later betrayed her father to Palpatine, claiming that he was going to defect to the Alliance. Palpatine had her father executed - some say she was the person who shot him - and promoted her to his vacate position. She was later promoted to Director of Imperial Intelligence, and held the Empire together during the years following Palpatine's death at Endor. She felt that Sate Pestage was incapable of holding the Empire together, and began manipulating bureaucrats and military leaders - much as Palpatine had - in an effort to turn them against Pestage. In the end, she was responsible for Pestage's outser from the Empire. Among certain members of the New Republic and the Imperial remnants, she was known as Iceheart.  She was characterized by long, black hair, but what made her an imposing force was her eyes. One eye was a cold, ice-blue; the other was deep red with flame-like, golden highlights. She was also responsible for the hiding of the Super-class Star Destroyer Lusankya in an unused facility under Imperial City on Coruscant, from which she tortured and interrogated her prisoners in the infamous Lusankya prison facility. From Lusankya, she could monitor the happenings on Coruscant without notice. She employed Kirtan Loor as a her agent, creating the Krytos virus and keeping him on Coruscant as the leader of the Palpatine Counterinsurgency Force. Once the New Republic defeated the Krytos virus and fully liberated Coruscant, she took the Lusankya and fled to Thyferra, where she took control of the planet's government. Once she entrenched herself on Thyferra, she ousted the Zaltin corporation and planned to execute 1,000 Vratix a day until she had "downsized" bacta production or Rogue Squadron surrendered to her. If either didn't happen in 30 days, she upped the number of Vratix executed to 2,000 per day. Erisi Dlarit suggested that the plan be implemented as a way to stop Ashern terrorism. In the meantime, Isard activated a specially-made clone of herself, created just before she lost Thyferra, and allowed it to use her own contacts and resources to hide the prisoners formerly hidden on the Lusankya. Once the clone returned to Thyferra, Isard had it executed. Isard continued to hold the upper hand over the Rogues until she lost the Avarice to defection and the Virulence was captured at Yag'Dhul. Left with just the Lusankya, Isard tried to make a stand at the Battle of Thyferra. However, that battle never turned in her favor, and she fled the planet on Fliry Vorru's personal shuttle, Thyfonian. The shuttle was intercepted by Corran Horn and Tycho Celchu, whose combined attack destroyed its shields and eradicated the craft with a proton torpedo. Isard was believed to have been killed in the explosion, but in fact she wasn't on the shuttle at all. Her communications had been from a remote sight, and she smuggled herself off-planet disguised as a refugee and went into hiding to recover from her losses. She made her way to General Arnothian's facility and took control of his TIE Defender operation. Meanwhile, the clone Isard thought she had killed had allied itself with Prince-Admiral Krennel, and worked with him to bring down Rogue Squadron and the New Republic by trying to re-open the division between human and non-human races. The clone also kept a close watch on the prisoners of the Lusankya, collecting them all while Grand Admiral Thrawn ruled the Empire and eventually using them as bait for a trap meant to catch Rogue Squadron. Their plans were thwarted by the real Ysanne Isard, who rescued Rogue Squadron from Corvis Minor Five with the help of Colonel Vessery and convinced them to help her destroy the clone and Krennel. While Krennel was killed in the space battle over Ciutric, Isard's clone tried to escape using the same tactic that the real Isard used to escape from Thyferra. However, Wedge Antilles recognized the scheme and destroyed the shuttle - piloted by Colonel Lorrir - while triangulating the clone's position by backtracking her communcations signal. He launched a pair of concussion missiles at her location, destroying it and the clone. The real Isard claimed to want nothing but peace, but really wanted to regain command of the Lusankya, which was being refitted at the Bilbringi shipyards. However, her motives were discovered by Booster Terrik, his daughter Mirax, and Iella Wessiri, and a New Republic task force was dispatched to prevent her from stealing it. In a struggle within the huge ship, Ysanne and Iella confronted each other. After Isard threw every taunt and tactic at Iella, Iella responded by shooting her dead, once and for all.
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