Nom Anor was the man who worked behind the scenes of the Imperial Interim Council. Anor wore black amor and a black cape do hide his face. Anor planned the murders within the council, which cause an even further downfall for the fragmented Empire. Years later Anor surfaced as the leader of Rhommamool. Anor persuaded the citizens of Rhommamool to fight against their neighboring planet, Osarian. As the war escalated Anor staged his own death. In reality Anor was a Yuuzhan Vong agent and was sent to cause trouble for the New Republic and New Jedi order. After The Rhommamool conflict the Yuuzhan Vong invasion began. The Yuuzhan have a system of class in their culture and Anor was a member of a low class called the Intendent class.When the Vong invasion began the Vong citizens believed the Intendent class was weak, so the invasion plans were taken over by the warrior class. The Vong warmaster, Tsavong Lah, put  Shedao Shai incharge of the invasion. Anor did everything he could to redeem himself, and to move higher in Vong society. Anor hatched a plan to become allies with the Hutts, but the plan was a failure as he leared the Hutts couldn't be trusted. Finally Anor caught warmaster Tsavong Lah's eyes by conquering and devestation Duro, but Lah didn't promote Anor. Anor is still striving to promote himself, and his clan in Vong society.
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