Grand Adniral Thrawn is one of the twelve Grand Admiral's in the Empire. He is the only non human Grand Admiral in the Empire that was really amazing considering the Emperor's dislike to non humans. Grand Admiral Thrwan has a special skill it is to determine a winning strategy by observing the art work of the race he is battleing with. Not much is known of Thrwan's life before he joined the Empire. He was incharge of unknown regions and it was when he went back to Imperial space that he learned the Emperor was dead, the Imperial Fleet was in shambles, and the New Republic taken over Coruscant. Thrwan railed the remanents of the Imperial Navy to fight back against the New Republic. His plan involed yalsmari and a Jedi Clone named Jorrus C'Boath. Thrwan also cloned more troops at the Emperors old cloning facilities on Mount Tantiss on the planet Wayland. He found out that the yalsmari creatures that can push the force away could speed up the cloning. Thrwan  used a combined tactics of hit and rin missions, spies, and superior planning that almost defeated the New Republic but Thrwan was killed by his own bodyguard Rukh because he found out that the Empire had used his species as death commandos to serve the Empire.
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