Tenel Ka's parents are a Dathomirian witch, Teneniel Djo and Prince Isolder prince of the Hape Cluster. Tenel Ka is unique in three aspects, she is princess of the Hape Cluster, warrior of  Dathmir, and a Jedi knight in training at the Jedi Academy where she accidently cut off here arm. Though her roots are rich in royalty no one could ever say she was snobby or conceitedness like her grandmother. Tenel is very nice and is very strong. Tenel can scale the walls of the Great Yavin Temple with only her stregth and a thin wire suporting her. Another unique thing about her is that she only uses the Force when all else fails. Her hair is described wavy red gold and her eyes are gray. Tenel's lightsaber reflects on her family herritage. One being a Dathmirian warrior and another being a princess of the Hapes.The hull of the lightsaber is hollowed out by a Rancor tooth. Rancor's are raised on Dathmir and helpful compainions to the various clans on Dathomir.The crystals used to make her turquoise hue are from her Hapes tiarra. The tiarra is a symbol on the Hapes Cluster she who wears the tiarra of Gallinore, a planet in the Hapes cluster, is known to be Hapan royalty. One day at the Jedi Academy Tenel was practicing with her lightsaber and accidentally severed her left arm. This incodent didn't stop Tenel from becoming a full Jedi years later. During the Yuuzhan Vong invasion Tenel fought bravley with her friends on many important missions. One such mission Tenel was sent along with her old Jedi friends from the Academy to destroy the Voxyn queen. Sadley many off the Jedi sent on the mission didn't survive. One of her closest friends, Anakin Solo, died in the attack. The surving Jedi stole a Vong frigate and fled to Tenel's homeworld, Hapes. When Tenel reached Hapes there was civil unrest. The public demanded stroger leadership than her mother, Teneniel Djo, was giving. During the chaos Tenel learned her mother was poisoned, and reluctantly agreed to become the new ruler of Hapes.
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