The force was strong with Vima-Da-Boda her great-great-great grandmother was the famous Jedi Knight Vima Sunrider. Like her force strong family Vima was an illustrious Jedi for over 100 years. Her daughter Neema, once taught by Vima but fell into the dark side of the Force. She was killed by her Ottethan warlord husband. In a fit of rage Vima cut the warlord in half with her lightsaber. Then, thinking of the death of her only daughter, Vima gave way to despair and began to lose her connection to the Force. Finally, when the time of the Emperor's great Jedi purge arrived, Vima, consumed with fear for her life, disowned her Jedi past, and hid herself with the rest of the galaxy. Vima was sent away to the spice mines of Kessel where she met a young boy named Kyp Durron. She found that Kyp had tallent in the force and tought him basic skills in the force. Vima was soon released from the mines by the Imperials, and hid herself in the crowded smuggling world of Nar Shadda. On Nar Shadda Vima found Princess Leia and her Rebel friends. Vima gave Leia her lightsaber, and soon Leia came back to Nar Shadda to bring Vima with the Rebels to teach the new branch of Jedi students ways in the force. Vima is now back with her Jedi past.
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