When Praise and Worship

Power in the Blood

This is No. 2 in the series

Hebrews 13:15


Introduction: Tonight we will look at the last two hindrances or roadblocks Satan puts in our paths to hinder our walk with God.  There is a way we overcome, through praise and worship.


I.                   A brief review of the first two roadblocks.

A.     Roadblock one:

1.      We fail to use the way He Himself has provided.

a.      We must approach Him with a sincere heart.

2.      Explain the Old Testament Tabernacle

a.      Divisions, what was in it, ect.

b.      Priest went in once a year.

3.      Jesus’ shed Blood, the only way into the Holy of Holies now.


B.     Roadblock two:

1.      One is hindered by guilt and condemnation.

Romans 8:1

a.      Thinking we are not ‘good enough’

b.      We must deal with our guilt

c.       Let the Blood of Jesus cleanse us.

d.      1 John 1:7

2.      It is not our righteousness, but His that saves us.

3.      We have been redeemed, justified and sanctified by the Blood of Jesus.


II.                Roadblock three is having a wrong image of God.

A.     We are hindered from enjoying God’s presence by a false image of God.

1.      In Exodus 19 the people of Israel expressed a desire to be where God was.

a.      They saw the ‘thick darkness’ that surrounded God

b.      They heard the ‘Thunder and saw the mighty Lighting’

c.       They became so frightened they ran away

d.      They told Moses, “You go to God and tell us what He said, because we don’t want to die.”

e.      Exodus 20:19

2.      Fear causes misunderstanding of what God is really like.

a.      God is not unapproachable in His holiness, waiting to smite you or bring a plague.

b.      God doesn’t dangle all your faults before you.

1.      Psalm 103:2

c.       Jesus’ Blood supernaturally washes away our guilt.

1.      Something supernatural can wash away that fear. God’s love.

2.      An antidote to fear.  1 John 4:18

3.      If you have a wrong image of God, it is because you haven’t realized how unconditionally God loves you.

a.      He loves you and wants to fellowship with you.

b.      He wants you to be comfortable in His presence.

c.       It was His plan from the beginning, as with Adam.

4.      Remember fear comes from Satan.

a.      God’s fear is clean, healthy and holy.

b.      It is based on an appropriate respect for God and His power.

c.       We are not to cringe or back away from His presence.

d.      If these things persist, remember,

2 Timothy 1:7


III.             Forth roadblock, ups and down of our ‘feelings’.

A.     We are hindered from enjoying God’s presence by our mood swings.

1.      Too often we tend to respond to God based on how we feel.

a.      Instead, rather we should base our faith in His Word and then let our feelings follow.

b.      Praising God is a sacrifice. Hebrews 13:15

2.      A sacrifice of praise is a deliberate act of faith in God’s Word.

a.      An outward manifestation of our trust in Him.

b.      Praise is a decision, an act of will, not emotions.

3.      Don’t let the circumstances of the day effect your praise.

a.      Good day – bad day?

b.      Regardless, God is always there.

c.       We must move and focus our mind on Him, and off ourselves.

4.      The battle is for your mind and thoughts.

a.      Good, wholesome thoughts, then bang, bad thoughts come.

b.      Where did they come from? From Satan, a fiery dart.

c.       What God desires now is to transform our minds and thought life.

1.      To cause our thoughts to be more on Him.

a.      The commandment:  Matthew 22:37,

[And with all your mind]

5.      The devil’s objective, to get your mind.

a.      When he gets your mind, your tongue will follow.

b.      Our mind is the center of our decision making process.

c.       If allowed, negative thoughts and actions will follow.

d.      What you say determines what happens in heaven and the circumstances around you.

6.      Now that is why the offering of the sacrifice of praise on a daily basic is so critical.

a.      Praise is a major defense against the devil.

b.      A mouth filled with praise and gratitude sets up a powerful atmosphere around you.

c.       It set up barriers against Satan.  [The Blood]

7.      In our own mind we say, “I won’t think on the enemies thoughts.”

a.      Easier said than done

b.      Here is the best way to overcome those thoughts.

1.      Begin to sing praises or just begin to thank God

2.      Believe Romans 8:28

3.      God wants to change us in the circumstances.

4.      Not to change the circumstances

5.      Praise God in them and they will no longer have control of you.


IV.              According to scripture a New Testament sacrifices of praise is not silent.

A.     There is a time to be silent, but also a time to offer verbal praise from our heart.

1.      Praise out of a heart that is in love with Jesus.

B.     God is seeking some true worshipers.

1.      Not a passive attitude with God, but actively seeking those who will respond.

2.      Those who really want His presence

3.      Remember the Blood of Jesus has forever dealt with your sins.

a.      You have a right to stand before God, justified,

b.      Because God loves you

c.       His perfect love will cast out all fear

d.      We have to praise Him in all circumstances


Conclusion: Be thankful, thank God for all His goodness, His mercy. Thank Him for all He has done for you.  Thank Him for what He is doing NOW!  Thank Him for what He is going to do! Glory!




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