Water Baptism

Romans 6:1-12


Introduction:  What is water baptism?  It can mean one of two things to each one of you. One, being baptized in water in obedience to Christ Jesus, and signifying your desire to live for Him the rest of my life.  Two, be baptized in water a  sinner and come out a wet sinner.  Baptism is not what saves a person, it is there acceptance of Jesus Christ as the Lord of their lives, that is being saved, born again.


I.                    Prerequisites for Water Baptism

A.    One must first accept Jesus Christ as Savior

1.      Accept the Biblical plan of Salvation

a.       John 3:16, Romans 1:16-17

b.      Romans 3:23, 6:23

c.       Romans 10:9, 13

B.     Some examples of baptism

1.      Acts 8:5-7, 12, 35-38

2.      Acts 9:17-18

3.      Acts 16:14-15, 28-33

4.      Acts 18:8

5.      Acts 19:2-6


II.                 Baptism – Very Important and Serious

A.    What it must mean to each one

1.      Baptized into Christ – His death  Vs 3

2.      Baptism is one’s public proclamation of one’s spiritual relationship to Christ

3.      It is ‘putting on Christ’ – Galatians 3:27

B.     Looking back and looking forward – Vs 4

1.      Back – to Christ and His death

2.      Forward – to His resurrection – a new life

3.      Colossians 2:9-15

C.    We have become UNITED with Christ – Vs 5

1.      Now we must grow together

2.      The matchless preacher of the NEW LIFE IN CHRIST

D.    The ‘old man’ – ‘old nature’ was crucified with Christ- Vs 6

1.      Colossians 3:9-10,  Ephesians 4:22-24


III.               Our Actions – Vs 7-10

A.    Because we have been baptized –

1.      We have been Justified – Vs 7

2.      We are to live for Him – Vs 8

3.      Know that Christ died once for us – Vs 9-10


IV.              Yielding Our Body – Vs 11-12

A.    We become slaves to whom we yield too

1.      The choice is ours to make

2.      We either follow Christ or Satan

3.      To live for Jesus is eternity in Heaven

4.      To live for Satan is eternity in Hell


Conclusion: Remember this, baptism is not what saves a person.  What saves a person is ones commitment to Christ Jesus.  Our baptism is saying I want to live for Jesus the rest of my life.  I want to spent eternity with Him in heaven.


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